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Greg Maresca | Remnant Columnist

Provided this tyranny suits you, keep voting Democrat.

After several months of great anticipation, President Biden pulled the trigger cancelling up to $20,000 of college debt for nearly 40 million Americans worth $330 billion – conveniently before the November midterm election. Biden is also extending loan forbearance for another four months even as unemployment among college graduates is at two percent. 

Like 48 years ago, it was a hot August day when another unprecedented historical unintended consequence entered the American chronicle when President Richard Nixon resigned his office. Being a paperboy and a two-sewer stickballer, I took time out of my summer vacation to watch the proceedings on network television.

Less than two months ago, the Supreme Court overturned its most egregious ruling in Roe v. Wade, placing the issue of abortion with each state legislature.

Democrats had not been this incensed since President Lincoln freed their slaves and the public schools were desegregated. Their rage spilled over to a volunteer pregnancy center in Oregon that was firebombed and defaced with graffiti declaring: “If abortions aren’t safe, then neither are you.” Other pregnancy sanctuaries in Wisconsin. New York and Illinois were targets, too.

When crafting legislation, the first crucial step is to title the bill in a way that is agreeable to most. This legislative scheming was on display recently when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin renamed the failed Build Back Better Act to the more pleasant-sounding, but untrue: Inflation Reduction Act.

Such political conjuring was at work again when all Democrats in the House joined by 47 Republicans passed: The Respect for Marriage Act. Who wants to vigorously argue against such a longstanding institution like marriage in a bill that is so ambiguously titled?

There is plenty to say about brevity, but that would defeat the purpose.  Neither time nor space affords me the opportunity to opine on the many headlines, stories, and political twists that comprise an average news day – let alone an entire week.  With that in mind, let’s clear the ledger.      

“Things That Make You Go Hmmm” was a hit song by the group C+C Music Factory released over 30-years ago and adopted by The Arsenio Hall Show where certain lines in Hall’s opening monologue prompted you to think and consider.

In that spirit, breakout the cue cards…  

That special congressional election recently held in southern Texas along the Mexican border was just a blip on the national news’ radar, but its results have Democrats seeing red.

The election filled the seat left vacant by the retirement of Democrat Rep. Filemon Vela and was won by Mayra Flores, a 36-year-old respiratory therapist,who is no career politician.  That is only a small slice of the story that could be the initial ripple resulting in a November midterm GOP tsunami.  

As the lead-in to the November midterms gears up, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thought it wise to delay passing legislation that would provide additional security for Supreme Court justices and their families saying, “nobody’s in danger.” This was after a gunman showed up in the middle of the night at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home. For the first time a justice on the Supreme Court faced an attempted assassination.

As America celebrates the nation’s birth by taking inventory of the hotdogs, hamburgers, soda and beer, the most treasured and esteemed American stock lies forsaken along freedom’s continuum.