Communication from the

Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X

Unofficial Translation by Michael Matt

Pope Benedict XVI has addressed a letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church, dated March 10, 2009.

After the recent « outburst of a flury of protests », we warmly thank the Holy Father for having repositioned this debate at the high level where it must take place—of the Faith.  We fully share  his chief concern for preaching »in our days, when in vast areas of the world the faith is in danger of dying out like a flame which no longer has fuel. »

The Church is going through, in effect, a major crisis that cannot be resolved except through an integral return to the purity of the Faith.  With St. Athanasius, we profess that  « whoever wants to be saved, must above all accept the Catholic Faith : unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate he will, without doubt, be lost forever. »

Far from wishing to freeze Tradition in 1962, we wish  to consider the Second Vatican Council and  the post conciliar teaching in the light of that Tradition that Vincent of Lerins defined as « that which was always believed everywhere and by everyone » (Commonitorium), without rupture and in perfectly homogenous development.  It is therefore that we could efficaciously contribute to the missionary mandate of our Savior (cf. Matt 28, 19-20)

The SSPX assures Pope Benedict XVI of its desire to address the doctrinal discussions recognized  as necessary by the Decree of January 21, with the desire to serve the revealed truth that is the first concern to be shown in regard to all men, Christian or not. The SSPX assures him of its prayer so that his faith will not fail and he will confirm all his brethren. (cf. Luke 22, 32).  

We place these doctrinal discussions under the protection of Our Lady of  Trust with the hope that she will obtain for us the grace to faithfully transmit what we have received  « tradidi quod et accepi » (I Cor. 15,3).


Menzingen, le 12 mars 2009

         + Bernard Fellay