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 Night of the Living Enlightenment

Michael J. Matt POSTED: 9/17/12
Editor, The Remnant  

Jason Barnum, 37, shot at Anchorage police officers last week, nearly killing a couple of them.  No one knows just why, of course, although looking at his face I could hazard a guess or two.

At his arraignment, Barnum reportedly appeared fidgety, "swaying from side to side, at times hitting his face on the microphone.  When asked basic information from the judge like if his name was spelled correctly, Barnum replied 'sure' and 'sounds good'."

Visible were his numerous face tattoos. The right side of his face is nearly covered with skulls and skeletons. His lips are rimmed with skeletal teeth and an eyeball in the middle of his forehead. His right eyeball was tattooed black.

Now, the old adage would have us not judge a book by its cover, but might it not be in the best interest of the nation's cops to begin judging men and women by their tattoos before the bullets start flying. Look at this guy. (Where's Mad Max when you need him?)  And he's no anomaly. The young cashier at the grocery store yesterday looked startlingly similar.  About 17 years old, she had wire running through her lip, nostril and earlobe, and the tats were so plentiful I couldn't tell where one began and the other ended.

Just another delicate young thing from the neighborhood.

What does it say about a society which is so morally rudderless that it would consider  acceptable, even fashionable, that which every sane man and woman in history would have regarded as clear signs of systemic demonic possession and proof positive that the end was near?

When young people engage in self-mutilation such as we're now seeing everywhere on the streets of America, quite obviously total anarchy can't be far away. I don't believe it's a stretch to suggest that if you're prepared to rip up your own face you're probably angry enough to consider shooting up your own town when the chips are really down-- starting with peace officers, mom, grandma or whoever might get in the way. I have a hunch Mr. Barnum might agree.

Of course, I don't blame Mr. Barnum for the fact that he looks like something out of a Barnum & Bailey freak show.  Obviously, this poor guy is a dangerous victim of something much bigger and much more evil than himself.  The post-Christian social order created him in any one of their numerous laboratories euphemistically referred to as "public schools". After implementing their ruthless Leftist social agenda, while banning God from hallways and classrooms alike, public schools--along with their willing accomplices in the pop music, film and video gaming industries--are now giving us whole generations of illiterates, grown up and ready to wage war on their own cities, God, culture, religion, families, the unborn, even their own bodies.

Nice work, guys!

And the real howler in of all this is that the same "enlightened" engineers that created Mr. Barnum and a whole society of zombies—a nightmarish place where millions need drugs, therapy or copious amounts of alcohol just to get through the day—this same bunch now judges itself eminently qualified to determine for the first time in the history of the world that two men ought to get married, same as two women.  Well, why not!  So decree the patients now in total command of the asylum.

The following article appears in this week's Human Events and raises questions well worth asking.  Watch your back out there—the night of the living Enlightenment has fallen.

Tattoo You!

by Elie Kerrigan

What is Western humanity doing to itself?

What's with this tattoo craze that has taken the world by storm? The body has been projected beyond the personal and intimate, to become a walking canvass. It seems more and more people sport, one, two or twenty-two tattoos. And this is no one-nation, ethnic or religious fad, but cuts across borders and countries: rich, poor, fat or slim, men, women; Germans, Spaniards, Americans --everywhere, everyone has been branded.

This proud defiling of the body is, to say the least, quite mystifying. Is the body not meant to be a repository of our entire selves? I will not go into what the Bible or main monotheistic religions have to say about them. Still, one would think this practice anathema, for while it conceals one's personality behind this self-made laceration, it also labels and relegates the wearer to a specific class or category of person.

Tattoos, which at one point seemed to be a dying practice, have come back with a vengeance. There is a delirious infatuation with them and there is no end to what one gets to see drawn or written on these motion pictures. From the fantastical and allegorical to the plain crass, the entire gamut of childish imagination is laid bare before us. Decorum -- that old-fashion-sounding word -- has been thrown out the window. Or are those who wear them meant to be making a point without having to pronounce themselves, uncover their true self, their identity, personality. In other words, what makes each one of us a unique, complex and interesting human being. On occasions one sees in certain tribes -- from Indians to Africans-- their bodies and/or faces painted for a specific purpose, usually ceremonial in nature. To be forever plastered with a message or drawing, however, is comparable to wearing the same clothes or sticking to the same idea for one's entire existence. Quite a curse if one comes to think of it, for we are meant to evolve, polish, and refine our ways with the passing of time, even at the risk of contradiction.

It is usually the young who are inebriated by this blunt posturing, which at times can be quite defying and provocative in nature -- but almost always rash.

Back in the old days to be tattooed had some significance. It was a mark, a sign that set apart those who bore them. It had to be "earned," like a badge of courage or daring, and it was mostly sailors or convicts who wore them, and usually only one, to symbolize a lost love, the clues to a hidden treasure or for other such fanciful reasons. There was mystery behind them, a story. No more. Nowadays, tattoos are like modern constructions:pêle-mêle, confusing, ugly.

When certain practices become fashionable what usually ends up occurring is that the initial idea or reason behind them loses all sense and purpose, creating the very opposite of what was meant or intended in the first place. This life-long fashion, however, is self-nullifying. Some will come of age and realize that what they thought as original or unique at one point in time is no longer so appealing or attractive. All the more so in these times where immediate pleasures are the norm.

Alas, since gravity has that crushing feeling, in the end, whether we like it or not, tattoos are not a pretty sight.

From the American Spectator

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