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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

CORONAMANIA: False Science v. True Faith

By:   Dr. Joe Romanoski
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The CV phenomenon is slowly eroding every semblance of coherent cognition, leading politicos—governmental, entrepreneurial, and ecclesiastical—to equally outrageous and preposterous courses of action, which, taken individually and in isolation, seemingly border on the most despicable varieties of insidious autocratic and despotic imperatives. 

CAN ANYONE HONESTLY deny the current colossal and outrageous frenzy that is enveloping the world?

Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering  contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation. 


Like some type of creeping mentally-acidic fluid, the CV phenomenon is slowly eroding every semblance of coherent cognition, leading politicos—governmental, entrepreneurial, and ecclesiastical—to equally outrageous and preposterous courses of action, which, taken individually and in isolation, seemingly border on the most despicable varieties of insidious autocratic and despotic imperatives.

All of this is for the sake of false “scientistic” faith.  How come the “gods of science” have not produced that instantaneous “miraculous cure” which everyone seems to be waiting for?  Where is that longed for panacean vaccine for this dreaded malady?  Why are there continual reassessments—a year, six months or perhaps less?  Why has there never been in the long history of almighty biological science a cure for that other coronal virus, the common cold?

little boy wiping nose

Yes, friends, this is a “crisis of faith “for those rabid purveyors of false scientistic faith and their unrelenting mantra that science will find a “cure for anything and everything.”  Are these purveyors perhaps simply being confronted with the dire and ominous prospect that there, just possibly, might be, in the long run of human biological science history, a limit to human biological science knowledge acquisition, that we cannot simply “know it all”—at least not at the double click of a mouse button or the swipe of a smart phone?  

Yet, we must have a cure—instantaneously, if not sooner.  The apparent foundations of our “sanity” demand it. This false faith is finally being exposed for what it is—false.  There is a limit to the expenditure of human time and effort, much less economic resources. A billion? A trillion?  How much is “enough”? When will the false “gods of science” be appeased and our comforts be restored? How many sacrifices at the altars of scientistic idolatry must be made before we can once again be brought back to our beloved complacency and remain secure in our settled and accustomed conveniences, or “heaven on earth”?  Who will sound that “all clear” signal to this biological air raid and, if so, when?

Forgive me, dear reader, but one must combat a scenario with a scenario. The battle lines are being drawn.  The generals are establishing their plans of attack.  The stratagems of truth and falsity, good and evil, are in place.  The militia, the Church Militant and the minions of Satan, are set in battle array.  An army of youth is fighting for standards of truth, and is poised for the signal, the sign for the charge. Did Joan of Arc stop before the Dauphin was crowned?  Manifestly no.  Did Don Juan of Austria weaken in his resolve at Lepanto?  Not on your life.  We’re on the winning team. We must smile in the face of adversity until it surrenders.

Sweet Heart of Mary, Be Our Salvation

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Last modified on Wednesday, April 15, 2020