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Thursday, April 13, 2023

We Are Not So Smart After All

By:   Barbara Cleary
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We Are Not So Smart After All

The World of Well-Behaved Women, Part 2
(Part 1 here)

The thought-provoking bumper sticker “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History” should be ripped from every car bumper on which it is displayed.

I mean it. In a previous piece, I explored what exactly “well-behaved” meant, and if a woman can be well-behaved and still make history.


Where I thought that defining “well-behaved” was going to be the challenge I now know I was in error, for it seems in this day and age the ongoing investigation is not on defining well-behaved as much as trying to define the word “woman”.

Who would have thought it?

At one time I was happy to be living in a place where civilization had advanced so far that our tedious and mundane tasks like washing dishes, preparing meals, and ability to travel great distances in short periods of time had become so easy.

Dishwashers, clothes washers, clothes dryers, automobiles, airplanes, trains, and all major kitchen appliances have made my life better, and I thank God for it. He still has not acted on my request to find someone to create an appliance to do dusting without my assistance, but perhaps He has to draw the line somewhere.

Information is now a mouse click away, and while I appreciate and love libraries, I am thrilled that I don’t need to spend days there researching topics of interest for articles I write.

So here we are in “the Year of Ourselves” 2023 and we can’t seem to be able to define the word “woman”.

Scripture commentaries. Church history. The Bible Itself. Even reference materials as basic as a thesaurus or dictionary are never far from me via my laptop, which is a good thing because our home library is upstairs (I work downstairs) and I can easily become derailed (by all the dust I encounter) from the task at hand if I need to find a book or two.

With all this knowledge at our fingertips, we should be the best educated and smartest people in human history.

And yet, in AD 2023 we apparently struggle to define the word “woman”.

There’s the point

We aren’t living in “the Year of Our Lord” any longer. We are such smart and enlightened people we no longer need Him. We are our own gods now, and while we can’t make anything from nothing like God can, we can create our own truth, which is far more important than making a machine to suck the dust from your house.

So here we are in “the Year of Ourselves” 2023 and we can’t seem to be able to define the word “woman”.

Don’t have the skill set to land a big high profile government position? It’s OK, just identify as whatever it is you are not and push diversity as your greatest asset.

Dictionaries and science books have a definition. Wikipedia of all places has a definition:

A woman is an adult female human. Prior to adulthood, a female human is referred to as a girl. The plural women is sometimes used in certain phrases such as “women’s rights” to denote female humans regardless of age. Typically, women inherit a pair of X chromosomes, one from each parent, and are capable of pregnancy and giving birth from puberty until menopause. More generally, sex differentiation of the female fetus is governed by the lack of a present, or functioning, SRY-gene on either one of the respective sex chromosomes.

Yet we gods-unto-ourselves have rejected these definitions because it doesn’t suit our truth.

  • Can’t achieve greatness in an athletic event as a male? It’s OK, just identify as a female, compete against real females, and blow away your opponents.
  • Don’t have the skill set to land a big high profile government position? It’s OK, just identify as whatever it is you are not and push diversity as your greatest asset.
  • Have no talent or entertainment skills? No worries, just identify as a part of a “marginalized” group and shame the industry into putting you into the movies or on television.

It boggles the mind. Who would have ever thought that a person who now sits on the US Supreme Court, when asked to define “woman” could not because, of all things, she “was not a biologist”?

Just like the characters in Hans Christian Andersen’s story, few today want to speak truth to power. Every single person in the story knew the emperor was parading through the streets completely naked.

It is interesting to note, though, that people in African nations, without the benefit of formal education or internet access, are able to give Matt Walsh a pretty clear and to-the-point definition of a woman where our highly educated and successful sociologists, psychologists, and medical professionals could not. Even some Americans on the street seemed challenged and even hostile to his question.

Cleary1The Emperor’s New Clothes (

No one, it seems, wants to give a definition for “woman” because to do so would mean the prospect of negating their truth and therefore their status as a god unto himself. Or herself. Or itself. Whatever.

With billions of gods prowling the planet, there seems to be so much truth out there that there is no reality, and a simple question like “What is a woman” cannot be answered because people are afraid of being fired/not hired for work, labeled as some sort of “phobe”, or *gasp* banned from social media sites.

Just like the characters in Hans Christian Andersen’s story, few today want to speak truth to power. Every single person in the story knew the emperor was parading through the streets completely naked. For a variety of reasons — all associated with the fear of being judged unfairly for saying the truth — no one said anything.

For those of you readers who are women, well-behaved or not, you are making history. For those of you readers who are not women, you don’t need to identify as a woman: as a man — according to the bumper sticker — by default, you already make history.

Except for one little boy. He had the courage to state the obvious and guess what? The truth set everyone free.

A Big Secret and Holy Hope

As bleak as it appears with all the chaos rampant in the world, the Church, nations, states, families, and individuals, there is a reason for hope.

The secret is that, like the parade spectators, there are more of us who see and know the truth than buy the lie; and more and more “little boys” among us are beginning to speak out.

Some of us, and by that I mean those of us in the trenches, have been speaking the truth for decades (think The Remnant and their readers). Others have come on through the years here and there and are now finding their voice. God is good.

Cleary2Midnight Mass, Easter Sunday 2023.

There have been priests and bishops who have pushed back and refused to implement all the liturgical novelties and suspect theology shoved on us, or withholding the Mass of the Ages from the faithful.

Word on the street is that there are a growing number of clergy of all ranks who by the grace of God and the unrelenting prayers of the Church Militant see the “naked emperor” in all his Satanic squalor.

For those of you readers who are women, well-behaved or not, you are making history. For those of you readers who are not women, you don’t need to identify as a woman: as a man — according to the bumper sticker — by default, you already make history.

In the end, sadly we will never know how impactful we have been until we become, well, dust.

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Last modified on Thursday, April 13, 2023