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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Teaching 'The Science' to those who support 'transitioning'

By:   Steven Johnston
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Teaching 'The Science' to those who support 'transitioning'

Editor's Note: The following is an open letter to Archbishop Hebda of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and to Minnesota’s 13 “Catholic” lawmakers who reside under his jurisdiction. These lawmakers helped enact a law, signed by Gov. Tim Walz on April 27, 2023, which made Minnesota a state of legal refuge for abortions and transgender mutilations.  

Obviously, we have come to a point when “they will not endure sound doctrine…” But, since “the Science” is king, it’s time we remind them what “the Science” truly says. MJM



It is estimated that there are approximately 40 trillion (trillion!) cells in the human body. Each of those 40 trillion cells has a nucleus that contains 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total chromosomes). These chromosomes contain the genetic information that determines the nature and form of each individual human being. Of those 23 pairs of chromosomes 22 include all the genetic information that determines what and who we are with exception of our particular gender. In addition to these 22 chromosomes there is an additional pair of chromosomes that determines the gender or sex of each individual. For females the two gender chromosomes are referred to as being XX chromosomes; for males the two gender chromosomes are referred to being an X and a Y chromosome.

The cell division process known as meiosis, which produces male sperm and female eggs (referred to together as gametes), operates such that each sperm cell and each egg cell each have only 23 individual chromosomes instead of the 46 chromosomes located in all other human cells (those not used in reproduction). It is the fertilization of the female egg cell by the male sperm cell that unites the partial genetic material provided by the male and female parents and links the 23 female donated chromosomes to the 23 male donated chromosomes which produces the 46 total (23 pairs) of chromosomes of the fertilized egg.

Human gender is genetically encoded in every cell of the human body and as such is well beyond the reach of any socialpsychiatricpharmaceutical or surgical intervention.

Since females have two X gender chromosomes, a female can only contribute an X chromosome to her offspring. The male, having both an X and Y gender chromosome, contributes either an X or a Y chromosome to the offspring depending on the random selection of an X or a Y chromosome during the meiosis process. If the male partner contributes an X chromosome to the female parent's X chromosome the resulting offspring will have two X chromosomes and be female. If the male partner contributes a Y chromosome the offspring will have an X and a Y gender chromosome and will be male. It is therefore said that the male partner determines the gender of the offspring.

While the above is an accurate but simplified description of the mechanics of gender determination in humans, what it is important to realize is that the genetic information that determines the physical expression of the genetically determined gender of a particular individual is included in the nucleus of every one of the 40 trillion cells of that individual's body and that the cells themselves are "gendered" as being either female or male as a result of the gender determining chromosomes located in each of the cell's nuclei.

Considering the information presented above, it seems to me that it should be clear to any competent adult that the transgender/sex change narrative that is constantly being promoted in the mass media is a hoax perpetrated by certain interest groups (big pharma being one of the principal actors) to control and manipulate large populations for financial and political gain. The proposed transgender/sex change agenda is not, in fact, biologically or physically possible given that (regardless of any narratives to the contrary) human gender is genetically encoded in every cell of the human body and as such is well beyond the reach of any socialpsychiatricpharmaceutical or surgical intervention.

The actions and policies promoted by transgender enthusiasts are in actuality a diabolical and criminal interference with the known and natural stages of human development in children and adolescents.

So what is actually happening with regard to the transgender promotion? The actions and policies promoted by transgender enthusiasts are in actuality a diabolical and criminal interference with the known and natural stages of human development in children and adolescents. It is being promoted by nefarious interest groups for profit and political influence under the cover of typical virtue-signaling slogans such as human rights, freedom of choice, adherence to voter dictates, etc. 

This interference, given the biological realities described above, can only guarantee a miserable and disoriented future for the young people involved. It is indeed frightening to consider the fact that only in a disintegrating and decadent society would people willingly sacrifice the lives and futures of its own youth for profit and political gain while, at the same time, being encouraged to do so by an illicit and dangerous guidance provided by incompetent and/or corrupt medical, business and governmental agencies.

In Oregon, the walk out of the Republican members of the state senate in protest of the proposed "gender affirming" legislation is not only a reasonable and appropriate response to the crackpot proposals of those who promote the transgender agenda, but such action by responsible adults may just save the vulnerable children and adolescents who might participate in the transgender agenda from the unhappy future currently being offered to them by poorly educated, misguided and self serving adults. 

Currently, the revisionist histories now appearing in the mass media by the proponents of the Covid-19 phenomenon are an obvious attempt to to walk back their past policy decisions and facilitate a coverup for the destructive failures of their Covid-19 policies.  Will such a pattern be repeated in the future by the current proponents of the transgender agenda? It seems to me that this outcome is quite likely.

But only after devastating and irreversible damage has been done to the bodies, minds and lives of the many young people involved.

We'll see what the future brings - - -.

Steven Johnston
The Oregon Civics Project

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Last modified on Wednesday, June 7, 2023