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Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Globalist Elite Will Never Allow Trump Back into the White House

By:   Emmet Sweeney
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The Globalist Elite Will Never Allow Trump Back into the White House

When the COVID hoax was sprung upon the world in early 2020, conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh was not fooled: the primary purpose of the hysteria and the lockdowns that went with it, he said, was to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump. The lockdowns, said Limbaugh, were designed primarily to wreck the Trump economy and thereby stymie his attempt to remain in office later in the year. The present writer came to the same conclusion, at basically the same time; about the same day as the lockdowns began. Closing the world down over a coronavirus – a type of virus normally associated with the common cold – was an act of unprecedented irrationality that could only have some ulterior motive, and that motive was very evidently not public health.


There were other motives, in other parts of the world, for locking down, but it soon became obvious that an extremely important one in America was to damage Trump.

As it turned out, the wreckage of the economy, by itself, was insufficient to ruin the Orange Man's re-election chances, and the Democrat establishment (which, since the advent of Trump, has become the main vehicle of corporate and globalist power), was ultimately compelled to steal the election in the most brazen act of political piracy ever witnessed in a modern democracy. Mail-in ballots, stuffed with fabricated Biden votes, continued to arrive at counting stations up to two weeks after the actual election day. When tallied up, the senile old pervert, who couldn't attract more than half a dozen people to his pre-election rallies, was said to have garnered 81 million votes – twelve million more than the previous popular vote record held by Barak Obama. The establishment, having rubbed Trump's nose in it by such a move, might reasonably have expected the latter to retire from politics. After all, if they could take the election from him in such a brazen way – one which he almost certainly won by a landslide – why would he even imagine that he could gain the White House again in a future ballot? But Trump has made a comeback, much to everyone's astonishment (not least, perhaps, his own). To all intents and purposes he now looks set to win the election this coming November in an even bigger landslide than in November 2020, when he took 71 million votes.

To the excruciating discomfort of the assembled clutch of high class criminals around him, he had the effrontery to call the elites out on the very crimes they were actually guilty of.

Before moving on, it is perhaps necessary to say something about why the establishment loathes Trump so much.

The Orange Man is above all a performer: He made his name as a television reality show host. He is abrasive and he speaks his mind. But his bark is much worse than his bite. His inaugural speech, in January 2017, said to have been written by Steve Bannon, read like a declaration of war. To the excruciating discomfort of the assembled clutch of high class criminals around him, he had the effrontery to call the elites out on the very crimes they were actually guilty of. Hillary, Barak, and George W., who stood close by, must have wondered whether their day in court was fast approaching. Yet nothing (much to the disgust and fury of his “deplorable” followers) happened. Months, and finally years, went by, and still “the Swamp” remained undrained. On the contrary, Trump permitted most of the Swamp creatures in the FBI, CIA, and other powerful institutions, to hold onto their jobs, and even employed a plethora of new Swamp creatures, such and Nikki Haley and John Bolton. In the meantime, radicals such as Steve Bannon were fired. It is said that Trump's daughter Ivanka and her billionaire husband Jared Kushner, were the main architects of his policies at this time, but that is irrelevant. The fact is, these were his policies as President and they defined him.

Meanwhile, the Swamp and its inhabitants were by no means inactive: a series of criminal conspiracies, which accused Trump of “colluding” with Vladimir Putin of Russia, among other absurdities, were launched against him. One by one these cases were revealed to be fraudulent and illegal; yet nothing was done to bring the perpetrators to justice. Nor has the ousting of Trump during the 2020 coup d'etat drawn a line under the attacks. These have continued unabated, both in the billionaire-owned media and in the billionaire-controlled law courts and regional legislatures, where repeated attempts have been made to criminalize The Donald and strike him off the electoral ballots. Lawyers and detectives have been employed to trawl through every detail of Trump's business and private life in order to find something to charge him with or to disqualify him from standing in the next election. All of these procedures are unethical, mostly illegal, and entirely without precedent.

Over the past few years it has become painfully obvious, to anyone with a modicum of awareness, that there is a two-tier justice system in America: One for the rich and powerful, and another – and far more severe one – for everyone else. The elites, in short, are corrupt, criminal, and unaccountable.

And speaking of things that are illegal, we come, perhaps, to the reason behind the fear and loathing gripping the oligarchy. Over the past few years it has become painfully obvious, to anyone with a modicum of awareness, that there is a two-tier justice system in America: One for the rich and powerful, and another – and far more severe one – for everyone else. The elites, in short, are corrupt, criminal, and unaccountable. Impunity is their middle names. There is no need to go into the financial corruption, which is ubiquitous and brazen. The way in which the Clintons, the Obamas, the Pelosis, and the Bidens have employed their political positions to enrich themselves and their families is common knowledge. Yet it is in their private lives that the most dangerous and personally shameful criminality is perhaps to be found. The Epstein case, sensational and revealing as it is, is almost certainly only the tip of a vast iceberg. A short time ago a list of all those associated with Epstein, which read like a Who's Who guide to the rich and famous, was released: virtually every celebrity, billionaire, and major political figure in America, was revealed to have been an associate of the pedophile pimp. What was not released, however, and what will never be released as long as the elites remain in control, was the mountain of video tapes collected by Epstein showing his celebrity “clients” and friends cavorting with under-age girls. These tapes are allegedly still in the possession of the FBI.

Incriminating as such material might be, it is almost certainly but a small part of what the billionaire class and their friends get up to behind closed doors. Rumours alleging rampant pedophilia in Hollywood have been around for decades, and confirmed by several major Hollywood figures who have dared to break the unspoken code of silence surrounding the topic. And the Democrat Party tapes, released by Wikileaks, which revealed people like Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta using enigmatic code terms such as “pizza” and “pasta”, which are reconized by the FBI as cyphers used in pedophile child trafficking, have never been explained either by Podesta or his associates. These reveal a potential level of depravity much greater than anything in the Epstein case.

The release of the Democrat emails by Wikileaks may, at least in part, explain the unrelenting persecution of Julian Assange, which continues to this day.

The elites, in short, have a lot to hide and a lot to be afraid of; a fact which may help to explain their almost pathological reaction to Trump.

The elites, in short, have a lot to hide and a lot to be afraid of; a fact which may help to explain their almost pathological reaction to Trump. The Orange Man talks as if he means business, as if he really intends to clean out the Augean Stables that are the halls of power and privilege in America. He didn't do it in his first term, that is true; yet the way he has been hounded for eight years now has perhaps convinced the elites that this time round he might carry out his threats. As the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, the President has a huge amount of personal power; and the elites have a huge amount of criminal behavior to hide.

They will not, therefore, in my opinion, permit him to re-enter the White House. Yet how to stop him? He is clearly, even by the opinion of the biased anti-Trump pollsters, the most popular candidate in the country. The attempt to stop him by legal action will almost certainly fail. The accusation that he planned or encouraged an “insurrection” on January 6 2021 is frankly laughable and will unquestionably be thrown out by the Trump-friendly Supreme Court. Another option, which will certainly be considered, is to once again steal the election. That course of action however carries its own dangers. The Democrats were able to get away with it in no small degree owing to the fact that the pre-election polls in 2020 had consistently put Biden ahead. Almost everyone knows that such polls are typically weighted in favor of the Democrats, yet the fact that such was the official prediction at least helped the Biden team argue that his victory was sort of plausible. This time round, that is not an option, as even the most biased anti-Republical polls put Trump well ahead. Stealing the election in November 2024 might perchance this time trigger the very insurrection they accused Trump of in 2021.

Perhaps the safest way to keep Trump out of the White House would be to find a pretext for cancelling the election. This would require an almost unparalleled crisis, such as the appearance of a genuinely deadly and fast-spreading virus, a nuclear terrorism incident, or a world war.

I am not a well-connected journalist with access to insider sources; I am a historian, and the job of the historian is a bit like that of a detective. Clues of every kind, very often providing no more than circumstantial evidence, are how the historian and the detective proceed. When a variety of types of evidence begin to point in the same direction, then the historian or the detective can offer a hypothesis about how events unfolded. And very often, for the historian, the past repeats itself. As such, I would suggest the following as the route by which the elites will proceed.

Perhaps the safest way to keep Trump out of the White House would be to find a pretext for cancelling the election. This would require an almost unparalleled crisis, such as the appearance of a genuinely deadly and fast-spreading virus, a nuclear terrorism incident, or a world war. And there is very good reason to believe that the elites are planning, if not a world war, then a major regional war in the Middle East which will not be far removed from a world war and may even escalate into one.

There is no question whatsoever that the Hamas incursion into southern Israel on December 6 was permitted by the Israeli government to happen. The border between Gaza and Israel is one of the most secure and surveilled frontiers in the world. A mouse could scarcely cross the frontier without being detected. The Egyptian government warned the Israelis several times that a major attack was imminent. They even, as far as I am aware, told the when it would happen. All warnings were ignored. Furthermore, when the attacks did begin, the Israeli army took several hours to respond. Israel is a tiny country, roughly the size of Connecticut. You can drive across it in a couple of hours. Nonetheless, Hamas had several hours in which to wreak havoc in the southern part of the country. Clearly, the Israeli Government wanted the incursions to go ahead, almost certainly as an excuse to invade Gaza in force and “cleanse” the region of Hamas – and much of the Palestinian population.

It is fairly easy to see that the slaughter continuing day by day in Gaza is intended by the Western elites to provoke Iran, as well as other Muslims in the region, into a major regional war. The elites want a war against Iran. They know perfectly well it will be a massive and potentially catastrophic conflict; moreover, one which is liable to draw in Russia on the side of the Iranians.

At this point we need to call a halt. When we speak of the Israeli government we are really speaking of the power which stands behind it: That power is the globalist establishment or “Deep State” based in the United States. The Israelis are currently bombing Gaza with American bombs, and Israel would collapse in a few days without the continued massive military and economic assistance provided to it by the Unites States. In short, Israel's planned attack on Gaza had to have been given the go-ahead in Washington. Furthermore, the powers that be in Washington must have had a reason for permitting the carnage to take place. That reason became obvious just a few days into the Israeli invasion of Gaza. The media in America and Europe began claiming that the Iranians were behind the Hamas attack, and that Iran was the primary source of all instability in the region. The same media began to warn that “Iran-backed” Hizbollah, based in Lebanon, would also be drawn into the conflict.

Sure enough, within a short time, Israel and Hizbollah began exchanging fire along the Lebanese-Israeli border. The controlled western media immediately proclaimed this as proof that Iran was behind everything.

All of this was and is perfectly in line with a narrative pushed by the Deep State in Washington for several decades; namely that Iran is the West's and Israel's major enemy in the Middle East, and that “regime change” is necessary in the country.

It is fairly easy to see that the slaughter continuing day by day in Gaza is intended by the Western elites to provoke Iran, as well as other Muslims in the region, into a major regional war. The recent expansion of that conflict into Yemen, where the “Iran-backed” Houthis are essentially blocking Red Sea shipping, can be seen as another stage in an already pre-planned strategy. The elites want a war against Iran. They know perfectly well it will be a massive and potentially catastrophic conflict; moreover, one which is liable to draw in Russia on the side of the Iranians. If the Iranians blockade the Straits of Hormuz, through which passes about 60% of the world's oil, then there will be a collapse of the world economy. But even that will be useful for the globalist banking and corporate plutocracy: As well as providing an additional reason to cancel the election in November, the collapsed economy will potentially be used as a smokescreen to hide the massive theft and criminality the rich and powerful they have been guilty of for decades. (The COVID “crisis” also had this as one of its goals).

This then is how I see things developing in 2024. I could be wrong: I hope I am.

- Emmet Sweeney is the author of several works dealing with a radical reassessment of the chronology of the ancient Near East. His latest book, In the Time of the Pyramid-Builders, was published by Algora in autumn 2023.

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Last modified on Thursday, January 18, 2024