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I was chatting with a guy in a waiting room the other day about religion.  He related that his cousin converted to the Russian Orthodox religion and eventually became a bishop.  He said that his cousin believed that Islam was an evil religion and remarked about how unchristian it was to allege such a thing.  I replied that most Christians today refuse to acknowledge the truth about their own religions, let alone Islam.

Is Islam just a bad or corrupted religion, or is it really evil?  This is why I believe it to be evil:
Monday, April 10, 2017

Islam: Was it Really Gabriel?

Dear Friends:

As I write these few lines, two members of my family are lying on operating tables at the University of Minnesota hospital. One is my older sister, Gretchen (Matt) Mills, and the other is Lindsey (Heesch) Bourbeau, the young wife of  another sister’s second son, Stephen.  Gretchen is a very sick person, and has been for many years. She’s been in surgery now for 10 hours. Lindsey is the healthy mother of an adopted young son, Jacob (one year old). 
Friday, April 7, 2017

Lindsey's Gift of Life Featured


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good video
Pope Francis establishes provisions for Novus Ordo priests to preside over SSPX marriages.  Why would he do that? Malachi Martin and William F. Buckley chat about the Traditional Latin Mass on Crossfire, 1980.

Funeral and WakeThe family will be present to receive friends on Friday from 3-9 PM at the (Tonawanda Chapel) AMIGONE FUNERAL HOME, INC. 2600 Sheridan Drive (at Parker Blvd) where the Rosary will be said at 7:00 PM. A Solemn High Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Saturday at Corpus Christi Church, 199 Clark Street, Buffalo, at 9:30 AM. 

Dear Friends:

In your charity, please remember the repose of the soul of our brother and champion defender of Christ’s Church, John Vennari, who passed away earlier today.

Quite frankly, I have no words to adequately express the magnitude of this loss, both for the traditional Catholic movement and for us personally here at The Remnant.  John was our ally, our friend and our brother in arms. The thought of fighting in these trenches without him at our side is still just too unthinkable. And the Church has lost a most faithful watchman with this passing of the editor of the incomparable Catholic Family News.

Please pray for John, now and throughout the rest of Passiontide. I don’t believe it to be a mere coincidence that this loyal soldier of Christ underwent his passion during the very days when the Church remembers the passion of the One John served so faithfully.


After four years of the Bergoglian tumult, it is undeniable that we are witness to a Pope who is averse to sound doctrine and whose teaching, if one can call it that, is generally unreliable if not positively contrary to the Faith. The faithful look on with growing alarm and disgust as Pope Bergoglio commits an error almost every time he opens his mouth to speak, earning the world’s applause for his cavalier disregard of orthodoxy and traditional disciplines of Apostolic origin. The Church is rocked by the horrific impact of his formal, ghostwritten documents. Evangelii Gaudium, Laudato si’ and Amoris Laetitia are rife with false statements of fact, misleading citations, dubious opinions on matters far beyond the papal competence, captious theological propositions, and blatant departures from prior teaching on faith and morals—always intermingled, however, with orthodox bits and pieces that allow for a sophistical defense of continuity with the Magisterium.

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road to bergog

Donald Trump's health care bill falls flat, and we're happy  in the Underground.

Trump unmasks the Deep State, Shadow Government conspiracy theory.

Demons from Planned Parenthood cackling and joking about how much force it takes to kill 22-week-old babies.

Russians, Russians and still more Russians at CNN.

Mgr lefebvre 22ansArchbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Editor's Note: This is an expanded version of an article that appeared in a recent print-edition of The Remnant. We're reproducing it here in the interest of furthering constructive discussion of what could become (if it happens) the most significant development in the Church since Summorum Pontificum. These discussions before the fact seem appropriate to me, but should not be construed as an attack on those who are in favor of regularization. There are good men on both sides of this issue, and what follows are merely the opinions of one man who could be very much mistaken. This is just how I see it--as an outsider--and the reader is perfectly free to dismiss my concerns, and remain my friend and brother in arms. MJM

The Remnant does not traffic in rumors. But over the past few months, rumors of an imminent Society of St. Pius X regularization have abounded, with Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay finally confirming that these are indeed more than mere rumors, though the matter is far from settled.


Pope Francis blessed by Patriarch Bartholemew

Editor’s Note: Now that I have your attention, please take a few moments to read the following “Letter to the Eastern Clergy on the Reunion of the Churches,” by Pope St. Pius X. I discovered it in an old file of my father’s, and I don’t believe it’s available anywhere else on the Internet. The year was 1910 and this, Dear Friends, is how Catholic popes used to speak…a long, long time ago in a Church far, far away. MJM

Venerable Brethren, Health and Apostolic Benediction,

It would be hard to say how much has been done by holy men from the closing years of the ninth century, when the nations of the East began to be snatched from the unity of the Catholic Church, in order that our separated brethren might be restored to her bosom. Beyond all others the Supreme Pontiffs, our predecessors, in fulfillment of their duty of protecting the faith and ecclesiastical unity, left nothing undone, by fatherly dissidence which brought bitter grief to the West, but to the East gave loss. The witnesses of this, to mention but a few among many, are Gregory IX, Innocent IV, Clement IV, Gregory X, Eugenius IV, Gregory XIII, and Benedict XIV. (1)

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Laetare Sunday's sermon gets right to the heart of the matter of Mass -- the sacrifice. Beginning with the miracle of the loaves and fishes, Father illustrates how this prefigures the Last Supper, the Sacrifice of Calvary and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Then Father shows how from Luther to Bugnini the idea has been to destroy the sacrifice and wreck the Church. Father's powerful conclusion will make you want to become a saint today!
New From Remnant TV...
P19 Nuns 800x500

With Michael Matt out of town this week, we're presenting excerpts from a recent episode on why we're traditional Catholics.

Topics include "Old Catholic Nuns," the "Old Catholic Confessional," the "Old Catholic Priesthood," "Meatless Fridays," "Scapulars and Mass in Latin," and the "Large Catholic Family".

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

"The heresy which is now being born will become the most dangerous of all; the exaggeration of the respect due to the Pope and the illegitimate extension of his infallibility."

These words were spoken by Fr. Henri LeFloch, Superior of the French Seminary in Rome in 1926(1).  How prophetic they have become for our day.  And what a day to endure when an Archbishop (Scicluna of Malta) has the audacity to inform the faithful that they must ask the Church to teach them the will of Christ for their lives, and then defines the "church" as the current Pope and those bishops in communion with him(2).  No Bible.  No Catechism.  No Tradition.  Certainly no Traditional Mass.  No reverence for the Lord, only a shallow reverence for the world as taught by Jorge Bergoglio and the bishops "in communion" with him.