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Monday, January 10, 2022

To Our Better Angels: An Urgent Appeal from One of Last Year’s Frontline Heroes

By:   J.D. Andrews, RN, CEN
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To Our Better Angels: An Urgent Appeal from One of Last Year’s Frontline Heroes

Editor’s Note: In our effort to do what we can to help expand and unite the base of opposition and resistance to the Covidocracy worldwide, I’m happy to offer the following contribution from a Registered Nurse who has worked in Emergency Nursing for the past five years and in healthcare in general for twenty-two years. We don’t necessarily agree with every historical point presented below, but this only adds to our larger point, i.e., that good people from all walks of life (not just traditional Catholics) are waking up and doing essential work in waking the sleeping masses. I’m very happy to post this important article, written by one of last year’s “frontline heroes.” MJM 

We live in a time when we have become seemingly more advanced than any known civilization in history, have a constitutional governmental structure that has secured more peace and personal freedom than any other. We possess intellectual and scientific knowledge at the mere click of a mouse that far exceeds the wildest dreams of our forbearers. It is therefore reasonable to expect the best and most proficient answers from those within their respective disciplines. Yet instead, we find that the better angels we hope for are nothing of the sort. Intellect, knowledge, and educational advancement, while granting access to truth and objective reality do not likewise ensure the communication of the same. For that we must have a foundation laid on a firmer stratum and of a more resilient material.

The pursuit of truth, while a noble goal, is only as good as the willingness and fortitude to convey it to others. The mere ability to find truth does not guarantee the dispensation of it, especially amidst a culture whose dogmatic commitment to prevailing opinion is as entrenched as ours is. Yet this story and these circumstances are as old as human history and point us to the firmer foundation laid long ago on which we must stand.

When peer reviewed science is no longer quoted nor referenced and instead, dictums such as “Trust the Science” are given without explanation or citation, we surely have left objective reality and exchanged it for propaganda.

From time immemorial truth has often been inconvenient. We need only remember back to the discoveries of Galileo and the development of the Helio-centric theory. New discovery and the presentation of it has historically been vehemently opposed by the dominant power structure of the day. Political and religious elites venting their wrath through imprisonment, torture, and even execution, stunt progress. The development of the rational and logical approaches of the fields of science through the use of the scientific method equip us to construct a base of knowledge through rigor and repetition that inevitably yields a more precise account of physical reality that we may more effectively understand the laws and axioms of nature. The conclusions of those disciplines, if allowed to be presented faithfully and free of discrimination and censorship, escort us to an ever-truer picture of physical reality and our place in it.

But what happens when those who supposedly pursue truth through science become its arbiters? What happens when the very scientists themselves, who have achieved prestige, power and a purse to rival many world governments then go on to say of themselves “to question me is to question science itself”?! Then science and the pursuit of truth that it should promote have become co-opted, bastardized and its image distorted to the will and bent of its unfaithful disciples. When peer reviewed science is no longer quoted nor referenced and instead, dictums such as “Trust the Science” are given without explanation or citation, we surely have left objective reality and exchanged it for propaganda.

When notable scientists such as Robert Malone and extensively published doctors such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Corey, and others are slandered and de-platformed, we should question what is happening.

The history of the sciences provides us with many examples of those that have brought about some of the most important and influential developments and understanding in their respective fields of science. Many of these individuals began their investigation because of a foundational drive to understand what, how and when the divine created the physical world. The answer to these questions also lends toward answering the philosophical and theological question of our purpose within this world. These individuals had moral foundations tied to a belief in the divine and were influenced by the understanding that we must answer for what we do and why we do it. This view is largely derived from the Judeo-Christian worldview. A short list of those that hail from this group are as follows.

Blaise Pascal 1623-1662

A French philosopher, mathematician and physicist. A devout Catholic Christian.

Robert Boyle1627 – 1691.

Said that a deeper understanding of science was a higher glorification of God. He defined elements, compounds, and mixtures. Discovered the first gas law – Boyle’s Law.

Isaac Newton 1643 to 1727.

A passionate dissenting Protestant who spent more time on Bible study than math and physics.

James Clerk Maxwell 1831 – 1879.

An evangelical Protestant who learned the Bible by heart at age 14. Transformed our understanding of nature: his famous equations unified the forces of electricity and magnetism, indicating that light is an electromagnetic wave. His kinetic theory established that temperature is entirely dependent on the speeds of particles.

Florence Nightingale 1820 – 1910.

An Anglican who believed God spoke to her, calling her to her work. Transformed nursing into a Respected and highly trained profession; used statistics to analyze wider health outcomes; advocated for sanitary reforms and was largely credited with adding 20 years to life expectancy between 1871 and 1935.

Gregor Mendel 1822 – 1884.

A Roman Catholic Augustinian abbot. Founded the science of genetics; identified many of the mathematical rules of heredity; identified recessive and dominant traits.

George Washington Carver 1864 – 1943.

A Protestant Evangelist and Bible class leader whose faith in Jesus was the mechanism through which he carried out his scientific work. Improved the agricultural economy of the USA by promoting nitrogen providing peanuts as an alternative crop to cotton to prevent soil depletion. Carver saw no problem with being a Christian and a scientist. In fact, Carver testified repeatedly that his Christian faith was the only mechanism by which he could effectively pursue science. He believed that God provided everything that people needed, but it was up to humans to discover the secrets and uses hidden within each plant, animal or mineral. 1

Many of today’s scientists would describe themselves as agnostics or atheists in large part due to the influence of the Darwinian hypothesis and its impact on the sciences.

Many of today’s scientists would describe themselves as agnostics or atheists in large part due to the influence of the Darwinian hypothesis and its impact on the sciences. With the loss of the theistic and moral fabric that undergirded our scientific past is it any wonder how we have trodden so far down the path we are on? Has this shift caused the upper crust of our scientific community to abandon and replace our moral base so closely tied to Judeo Christian theology?  Or are the foundation stones of our progenitors merely buried beneath the decay of our collective amnesia.

In our contemporary Covid-19 circumstance, politics and a meandering trail of financial incentives have corrupted the highest public scientists of the land. The NIH and NIAID whose highbrow officials stand at podiums alongside the recent Presidents of this nation, have been found to be derelict and counter-productive to the aims of science.

Instead of dispensing the latest and best understanding of publicly accessible data, they have branded themselves the arbiters of truth as they would like it to be not as it actually is. Their hubris and abandonment of true science has become self-evident; consider the words of Anthony Fauci, the head of NIAID, “to question me is to question science.” Such a statement is in no way scientific but dogmatic (religious) and arrogant. After all, the scientific method is built on the presupposition that any scientific theory can and should be replaced when further evidence and repeated experimentation render current theories insufficient in their explanatory power. A new theory is then presented that leads us to clearer vision of the truth.

Consider the words of Anthony Fauci, the head of NIAID, “to question me is to question science.” Such a statement is in no way scientific but dogmatic (religious) and arrogant.

Books such as “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” by Robert F Kennedy Jr., “Plague,” and “Plague of Corruption” by PhD Judy Mikovits, and the investigative patent research of Dr. David Martin reveal the twisted political pathways that men like Fauci have taken, and the interweaving of financial interests demonstrates their true fealty. These brilliant authors cue us into the true motivations of the dictums that so easily pour from their mouths of men like Fauci.

When emails have been uncovered proving the collusion between Mark Zuckerberg and Anthony Fauci to suppress or remove social media posts and articles about vaccines that do not uphold their desired narrative (including posts referencing vaccines demonstrating harm and adverse reactions, or citing oppositional scientific literature), everyone needs to take note.

When notable scientists such as Robert Malone and extensively published doctors such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Corey, and others are slandered and de-platformed, we should question what is happening. We must be questioning the true intentions and ultimately the morality of these demagogues.

“There is something rotten in the state of…” America. The FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID etc., have been captured and coopted by the industries that they were intended to regulate.

The incestuous revolving doorway between industries and their regulatory agencies in this country has created a morally repugnant stench. The phrase appropriately borrowed from Shakespeare’s Hamlet applies, “There is something rotten in the state of…” America. The very bureaucratic agencies tasked with protecting the public health of the citizens of this nation, namely the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID etc., have been captured and coopted by the industries that they were intended to regulate. When the FDA can exact more money from pharmaceutical companies to fast-track drugs to market; when only two studies are required to show positive effect for a new drug or medical intervention (including vaccines) despite the presence of many opposing studies demonstrating harm or the potential for harm are allowed to be pushed through the process to reach consumers, it is clear that science and truth are not presented.

We the people are not being justly served nor protected. Former heads of pharmaceutical companies have moved from industry into their respective regulatory agencies to purportedly oversee the industries they still may hold stock in, have friends and colleagues in, and financial ties to, it doesn’t take a genius to smell what is happening. It takes only an astute nose. The CDC currently holds over 50 patents for vaccines that they are also tasked to help regulate. When the CDC is allowed to make recommendations on the use of those vaccines and subsequently profits from them, is this not a conflict of interest? We can reasonably conclude that these agencies care little about the public or true public health, but more for the financial incentives the industries provide them with.

We the people are not being justly served nor protected... When the CDC is allowed to make recommendations on the use of those vaccines and subsequently profits from them, is this not a conflict of interest?

These inconvenient truths are exchanged for comfortable lies and freedom is replaced with fascism (the joining of corporate interests with government power). Decidedly the intellectual prowess of this age has not brought us to its desired utopia, but has delivered to us a shattered visage, a truly dystopian end. The intended separation of powers has abdicated its responsibility and we can finally see that the better angels we have placed our hopes in are the devils we should most surely fear as they have born the fruit that proves their true heritage.

They have built their empire of fear and lies on an unwise foundation that shifts as sand during a storm. Well, the storm has come, and many are waking. Let us build on a firmer and more secure foundation of moral uprightness and honesty. As our forbearers were men of intellectual prowess, they were also men that held deep moral convictions that influenced the direction of this nation.

As academia has gradually and more completely shunned our moral and theological heritage instead preferring the nihilism that is Darwinism’s moral terminus, we have allowed the virus of atheistic zeal to corrupt our moral compass. We have taken as high priests of this new godless religion men like Fauci to advise us.

The intellectual prowess of this age has not brought us to its desired utopia, but has delivered to us a shattered visage, a truly dystopian end. We have allowed the virus of atheistic zeal to corrupt our moral compass.

Much as Grimer Wormtongue deceitfully mislead King Theoden in Tolkien’s epic Lord of the Rings, wherever his debased mind and lying tongue would guide. Now instead let us turn from this pathway and demand the removal of such characters from their privileged place on the world’s stage. Let us look to our heritage, the faith of our fathers and stand. Recall that the first sign of great men is their humility not their pride. Stand sure and begin to renovate on the moral uprightness of true virtue that alone upholds the basis of our laws, and elect men that will do the same. The attainment of truth though knowledge and wisdom displaces fear. Remember from what heights we have fallen and what made this nation great. For we are not the descendants of fearful men!

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Last modified on Monday, January 10, 2022