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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

ALREADY FORGOTTEN: Another Genocide Rising

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ALREADY FORGOTTEN: Another Genocide Rising

On August 20, 2022, a petite elderly woman stood on a stage in Germany, in the city of Nuremberg. From her tiny frame issued forth a stentorian refrain of truth. The elderly woman, Vera Sharav, is a Holocaust survivor.

Ms. Sharav was speaking to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, which was formulated in the wake of the government-planned and -executed horrors which she and her mother barely survived. Her father died in the camps, a silent witness to what happens when, as the Nazis did, people in authority use disease as a pretext for mass extermination.

Ms. Sharav spoke that June day not just to commemorate, not just to call to mind the evils that the Nuremberg Code was designed to prevent from happening again.

The vaccines, the pandemic, the lockdowns, the camps, the globalist control of human life and human freedom, and the complicity of the masses in their own enslavement and elimination—all of this, the hideous ghosts of Nazi Germany and the Final Solution, all of it is coming back.

She spoke also to cry out that it is happening again. The vaccines, the pandemic, the lockdowns, the camps, the globalist control of human life and human freedom, and the complicity of the masses in their own enslavement and elimination—all of this, the hideous ghosts of Nazi Germany and the Final Solution, all of it is coming back.

It is here, upon us as we speak. We are living through—many of us are dying in—another Shoah.

In January of 2023, Vera Sharav’s foundation, Children’s Health Defense, released a trailer for a five-part documentary which Ms. Sharav directed. Watch the trailer: 


Watch the five episodes one by one. When the well-meaning invoke the Holocaust and say “Never Again,” it is often a monstrous lie. “Never Again Is Now,” the documentary declares. The evil in the human heart did not disappear in 1945. It simply changed uniform and now goes about in suit and tie instead of brownshirt and armband.

Wake up, Ms. Sharav tells us. Do not go like sheep to the slaughter. Do not let the Nuremberg Code be thrown away so that bureaucrats and “doctors” can commit mass murder again.

It is not the virus we fight, or the vaccines, but the evil men who made them, and who are using them to bring misery, suffering, and death to our brothers and sisters around the world.

Ms. Sharav is a hero. She reminds us that darkness does not have the final word. But that truth comes with a price. For darkness to be driven back we, I, must be brave.

She also reminds us that, when darkness has been driven back, “I was just following orders” will be no defense at law. There is no statute of limitation for genocide. The Nuremberg Code has not been repealed. As during Kristallnacht, as during Covidtide. Those who give themselves over to the expedient evils of the hour will meet justice sooner or later.

What does it mean, this hour, to stand against the globalist big lie? Evil is not an abstract force, so we cannot seek comfort in platitudes and anniversary speeches. Evil is what men do, and they do it, willingly or not, to please an adversary who seethes with hatred for God. Evil men must therefore be confronted and stopped. It is not the virus we fight, or the vaccines, but the evil men who made them, and who are using them to bring misery, suffering, and death to our brothers and sisters around the world.

Bergoglio, thou art that man. I call for you to be arrested and brought up on charges. Crimes against humanity. Conspiracy to commit genocide. Accessory to murder. Attempted murder, eight billion counts. Medical fraud. Corporate fraud.

I turn now to address Jorge Bergoglio. Bergoglio, thou art that man. I call for you to be arrested and brought up on charges. Crimes against humanity. Conspiracy to commit genocide. Accessory to murder. Attempted murder, eight billion counts. Medical fraud. Corporate fraud. There are many more. You must be arrested, detained, and brought to justice. You, Bergoglio. There is no statute of limitation for genocide, and there is also no exception for wearing a white skullcap or a fisherman’s ring. You have done great evil in the sight of man and God. You will know the justice which God has entrusted to fallen man.

I suspect it will not be difficult to take you into custody. My understanding is that your Vatican is peopled with prelates who spend their time snorting cocaine with male prostitutes. It should be easy to arrest you and take you away.

Or in another place. Wherever you go. The Global Magnitsky Act is in force too. There are RICO statutes in the United States. There are consequences for crimes.

By God, you will be seized and detained, and you will stand before a magistrate and face human justice in a fallen world.

But where shall you be taken? What court shall be theater for revealing what you have tried to keep hidden?

I suspect it will not be difficult to take you into custody. My understanding is that your Vatican is peopled with prelates who spend their time snorting cocaine with male prostitutes.

In 1961, Hannah Arendt sat in a courtroom in Jerusalem watching the trial of Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann had been Adolf Hitler’s henchman, a major force in the Final Solution.

Eichmann had weaseled his way out of Germany when the Third Reich came tumbling down. He fled. 

Whither did Eichmann go? To Argentina. The Mossad hunted him down and brought him to Jerusalem. Hannah Arendt watched the little man in the dock. Banal, she described his brand of evil.

Eichmann swung by the neck in Israel on June 1, 1962. It was Israel’s first and only death sentence. One man for six million. It was a good start.

But what shall we do with you, Bergoglio? The State of Israel has made itself party to the planetary Holocaust. The ingathered exiles, with many important exceptions, are as marked with the devil’s mutant brand as are the priests and bishops of your ruined Vatican II cult. Jerusalem is now as bad as the Rome you have defiled. Bergoglio in Jerusalem—but a new Jerusalem must be found.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko died on June 30, 2022. It was on the very same day, Bergoglio, that you were promoting “dialogue” with Jews. Your vaccines killed Jews. Even as you “dialogued” with them. It is a perfect portrait of the hideous “mercy” you offer.

Dr. Zelenko spent his final years fighting against the death serum which you pushed on the world as an “act of love.” Dr. Zelenko performed countless acts of love trying to save those whom you, your pharmaceutical handlers, and your Chinese Communist Party allies were sending to early graves.

But observe, Bergoglio. Dr. Zelenko saved Jews, saved anyone who came to him for care. He did not “dialogue” with people. He listened to them. He spoke to them as individual human beings. And then he did everything in his human power to save their lives.

While you sat in a chair and “dialogued.” And shilled for Pfizer.

Dr. Zelenko spent his final years fighting against the death serum which you pushed on the world as an “act of love.” Dr. Zelenko performed countless acts of love trying to save those whom you, your pharmaceutical handlers, and your Chinese Communist Party allies were sending to early graves. Dr. Zelenko knew the maxim which Vera Sharav knows, the Talmud teaching that to save one life is to save the whole world.

How perverse your pronouncements seem by comparison. How many are dead, Bergoglio, because you so loved the world?

It is fitting, then, that you be tried in the shadow of Dr. Zelenko’s office. He worked in New York, whither he at a young age and his family had fled from Soviet Ukraine. Dr. Zelenko worked, I repeat. He did not do photo-ops with Bono. He treated ordinary people. “The sheep,” as it were. The sheep you abandoned to the wolves, Bergoglio. Those sheep Dr. Zelenko took in and healed as best he could.

And I will be there, Bergoglio. Not to record your banality. For you do evil with flair. Your Faustian bargain is your feathered cap, your pride. I will be there to watch the first of the globalist cult to which you minister—you—be broken and sobered.

Dr. Zelenko was dying, and still he carried on, helping those you had condemned to injury and death.

You will stand trial where that good man did his acts of mercy. Real mercy, Bergoglio. Real love. You will learn mercy and love, and you will learn it in New York, where one brave soul stood against the hell on earth you and your satanic Deep Church unleashed on the world.

Eichmann had Jerusalem. You will have the Hudson Valley. It will not be the first time a monster has been hauled out of Argentina to answer for what he has done.

And I will be there, Bergoglio. Not to record your banality. For you do evil with flair. Your Faustian bargain is your feathered cap, your pride. I will be there to watch the first of the globalist cult to which you minister—you—be broken and sobered. I will watch it dawn on you that you have nowhere to hide.

I will be in the gallery listening as Deep Church unravels in a spool of evil deeds exposed. Your schemes shall come to nothing, and shall come to nothing on the very spot where another man, a humble and good man, gave his life in service to his brothers and sisters.

And that shall be a good start.

And all those in your Vatican II ape who shall say, watching the justice meted out to you, that they were only following orders, they will know justice, too. Every priest and bishop who pushed the death serum, who closed churches, who silenced the Mass, who cooperated as authorities sent the faithful to the camps—they will be brought to justice, too.

Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, is reminding us that there is no statute of limitations for genocide, Bergoglio. I hope you are listening.

--Jason Morgan is associate professor at Reitaku University in Kashiwa, Japan

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Last modified on Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Jason Morgan | Remnant Correspondent, TOKYO

Jason Morgan is an associate professor at Reitaku University in Chiba, Japan, where he teaches language, history, and philosophy. He specializes in Japanese legal history. He’s published four books in Japanese and two book-length Japanese-to-English translations. His work has also appeared at Japan Forward, New Oxford Review, Crisis, Modern Age, University BookmanChronicles, and Clarion Review.

Latest from Jason Morgan | Remnant Correspondent, TOKYO