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Kathy Clubb | Australian Correspondent

When Catholics first become involved in pro-life work, they usually wonder why abortion is so difficult to eradicate. Why is it so hard to convince people not to kill their own children? What stops others from responding rationally to the well-reasoned argument in favor of life? In pursuing answers to those questions, many come to erroneously believe that, of all sins, abortion is the worst that can be committed. From this follows the pursuit of a ‘silver bullet’ which will potentially end abortion and restore man’s understanding of the value of human life.

Endorsed by Bishop Strickland, the simple format of this new apostolate requires pairs of men to go out though the streets of their own towns or communities on a weekly basis, praying the Rosary and other prayers. The formula of prayers has been carefully selected for its spiritual potency as well as to ensure protection for the participants from demonic backlash.

Australian-born Dom Alcuin Reid is the founding Prior of the Monastère Saint-Benoît in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, in Provence in Southern France. The Monastère Saint-Benoît is an international English-speaking community which lives a classical monastic observance of prayer and work according to the Benedictine tradition and which celebrates the traditional Roman and monastic liturgy exclusively. In April 2022, Dom Alcuin, along with another monk, were ordained to the priesthood and to the diaconate respectively by an anonymous senior prelate, after the Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon was unable to confer the ordinations due to pressure on him from the Vatican. This led to the suspension of the two monks and to the eventual suppression of the monastery’s Public Association of the Faithful. Below is The Remnant's interview with Dom Alcuin.

The admonition to bishops that they are in serious danger of meriting hell as their eternal reward is attributed to a multitude of well-known saints. Saints John Eudes, John Chrysostom and Athanasius were at pains to remind both prelates and faithful that more is expected of one to whom more is given, and the Church teaches that bishops, specifically, have an enormous responsibility for the souls entrusted to their care. Thus it is always disappointing to see the lack of seriousness shown by the majority of bishops about their role and in some cases, deliberate attempts by bishops to subvert the Church in Her human element.

As reported at The Remnant (here and here), the progressive Archbishop of Perth, Timothy Costelloe, has had the Latin Mass parish of St. Anne’s in his sights for some time. Rector of St. Anne’s, Fr. Michael Rowe, has been embroiled in legal action with the Archdiocese since 2019, when he moved to stop his parish property from being sold by the Archbishop without his consent. With the failure of his final legal attempt in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Fr. Rowe has been ordered to pay substantial costs.

Smoking ceremonies are not ‘inculturation’ … and it is irresponsible to suggest otherwise. A July 13 article from Pillar Catholic, which was presented as an ‘explainer’ of indigenous smoking ceremonies, completely missed the mark by failing to look behind the sympathetic facade to see the real harms being perpetrated by the use of pagan rituals. Particularly disappointing was the manner in which commentary from the emeritus Archbishop of Philadelphia, Archbishop Chaput, was used to sanction anti-Catholic ‘inculturation’.

Imagine a world, not so different from our own, wherein body parts were used to create life-saving medicines. Unlike our world, however, it was not from pre-born babies that the organs were harvested, but instead it was from the bodies of religious elders.

In a dangerous precedent, with all the hallmarks of Marxist hostility, the government of the Australian Capital Territory has announced it will take over a pro-life Catholic hospital which refuses to provide abortion or euthanasia. The decision was made without consultation and without informing either the Archdiocese or the hospital’s administration and the takeover is to be completed within a mere two months.

Many home-educating parents tell of a series of signs that led them to take the plunge and begin to school their children. It is my hope that this article will be one such ‘sign’ for families who are hovering on the brink of making that life-changing, life-enhancing decision.

We Australians have been dealt a double-blow with the passing of George Cardinal Pell only a week after the death of the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. The news from Rome was completely unexpected: that His Eminence had died from complications due to a routine hip replacement.

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