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Angeline Tan | Remnant Columnist, Singapore

Amid the French government’s numerous controversial attempts to set the stage to wow international visitors and French residents at the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris this year, one key concern has been raised by conservative-leaning critics of the leftist Emmanuel Macron administration: that of a France that is losing or has lost its Catholic heritage.

On April 10 this year, four Tibetans were arrested, detained, and supposedly beaten up by Chinese police while in detention as they had protested the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s land grab in Markham county in Chamdo, or Changdu in Chinese, located in the Tibet Autonomous Region, based on a report by Radio Free Asia (RFA).

At the moment, the government’s contradictory approach to promoting natalist policies while permitting anti-life policies like abortion, and condoning anti-family LGBTQ+ ideologies would not augur well for the future of the country’s demographics, possibly fulfilling Elon Musk’s 2022 statements that Japan would “eventually cease to exist”.

In mid-April, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) under the Joe Biden administration released a 10-page report to Congress stating that those who penned an internal memo dated January 23, 2023, likening traditionalist Catholics to violent extremists “failed to adhere to FBI standards” but displayed no proof of “malicious intent”. The memo was subsequently leaked to the public.

Peace can only be achieved while untold suffering and death can be avoided by accepting Jesus Christ, the Author of Life. Putting “world peace” in the hands of globalist organizations like the United Nations (UN) that constantly undermine Catholic teaching and morals would be a fool’s errand.

On April 22, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) under the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) unveiled a final “privacy” rule, thus modifying the HIPAA Privacy Rule and obstructing the enforcement of state abortion bans, making it harder for inter-state cooperation among law enforcers, investigators and health professionals.

Not only Catholic countries, but the whole of mankind, are to admit that Jesus Christ is King. And if Our Lord Jesus Christ is King, then his biological mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is necessarily Queen.