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Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 15, 2018 Featured

By:   Remnant Press
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PUBLICATION NOTICE: March 15, 2017 Print/E-edition of The Remnant 

The March 15 issue of the Print Edition of The Remnant is in the mail, but you can access the identical E-edition online right now by subscribing to the oldest Traditional Catholic newspaper in the world. 

Already an E-Edition subscriber? ACCESS Your Subscription by clicking image below:

Staged Remnant with glasses

Here's a Preview of our Latest Issue: 

HALFWAY THERE: Recommitting Ourselves to the Holy Season of Lent
Christ mocked

In imitation of Christ, the Catholic Church has a penitential period of forty days every holy season of Lent. Beginning with Ash Wednesday through and including Holy Saturday, there are exactly forty days if one does not count Sundays. Sunday, the day of Our Savior’s Resurrection, is not counted as a Lenten penitential day… ­To Read the Feature, SUBSCRIBE 


Michael J. Matt ...From the Editor's Desk...
Live from the Vatican— It’s Pope Francis!

The Remnant is coming under some fire for this tongue-in-cheek graphic which appeared in our January 31, 2018 print edition:


Now, we're not immune from making mistakes. It's possible this was an ill-advised decision on my part. On the other hand, the first definition of satire is the "use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.." This satirical caricature is hardly a malicious attack on the person of the pope as would be, for example, a spoof on his manner of speech, his weight, his physical appearance, his moral life. It's part of the larger attempt to wake the slumbering masses to the absurdity of what's going on with some, let's face it, pretty flaky people folks running the Vatican just now. 

Are there precedents for this sort of thing? Well, Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy places Pope Celestine V—the last abdicating pontiff before Pope Benedict XVI—into the antechamber of the Inferno. Celestine’s successor, Pope Boniface VIII, suffers the same fate. As far as Dante was concerned, Pope Boniface was public enemy number one. So Dante not only places several popes in hell but he presents them buried with their feet in the air. Imagine if we had our Remnant cartoonist draw Francis in hell, the soles of his feet covered in fire as he’s slowly ingested by hell. And yet Dante does exactly that, and over a lesser papal crime—Simony. One can only imagine what Dante would have had in store for a pope who’d tampered with Holy Matrimony.

Was Dante failing to show due respect? Is The Remnant guilty of the same infraction?  What do you think? How much is too much, given the nature of the crisis at hand?...To Read, SUBSCRIBE 

Underground promo

Patrick Archbold
Quo Vadis?

Recently a question was put to me by a friend. That question, in its essentials is this, "What now? What are our options, given the current trajectory? What are we, lay people and individual clergy who see what is happening, to do when the destroyers have all the power? How do we persevere and preserve? How can we?"…To Read the Full Story, SUBSCRIBE 

Dr. Boyd D. Cathey
Deep State and the Survival of Christian Culture

pyramidNovus Ordo Seclorum (The New Order)

What's going on Washington, D.C.? An attempted coup d’état, a complete reversal of the 2016 election, and the complete the destruction of what was left of our battered United States Constitution...unparalleled in American history since at least the unconstitutional measures of Abraham Lincoln, more than 150 years ago....To Read this article, SUBSCRIBE

Andrew Senior The Remnant’s Poetry Corner…
This Valley of Tears

bedtime story

The inevitable certainty of death pervades the ancient mind, and they could not solve this great mystery. The only pagan response was the idea of reincarnation, which doesn’t really answer the question. And the ultimate, really hideous and repugnant thought was the Buddhist doctrine, that by denying both hope and despair, we must "escape the illusion of being."  Why is that, and what's changed?...To Read the Full Feature, SUBSCRIBE

 A New Remnant Feature:

Mr. J. Allen …A View from the Retirement Home…
The Devil is Still Around (And Living Nearby)

Editor’s Introduction: I am delighted to announce the addition of a new writer to the Remnant stable. Mr. Allen lives in a retirement home in a seaside town on the English Channel, and while he may be well-seasoned, his mind is obviously razor-sharp and his Catholic sense even sharper. I hope this turns out to be the first of many installments of “A View from the Retirement Home.” Welcome aboard, Mr. Allen. MJM To Read the Feature, SUBSCRIBE


Fr. CizikFATIMA and Tradition…
The Consecration of Russia Was NOT Done: Pope Pius XII - Part 2: The Consecrations of the World in 1942

pope and stuffVia Vatican Radio, Pope Pius XII consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 4, 1944. (And who's that standing off to his left? Why it's Archbishop Montini, of course, the future Pope "Saint" Paul VI.)

 The Consecration of Russia was NOT done by Pope Pius XII, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima…To Read the Feature, SUBSCRIBE

Vincent Chiarello A Remnant Book Review…
THE WISE MAN FROM THE WEST: Matteo Ricci, S.J. and His Mission to China

wise man cover

 "They came from the West to bring us knowledge of Paradise."  - Inscribed on a tablet given to the Jesuits in China by a Provincial Governor.…To Read the Review, SUBSCRIBE

Jesse Russell, Ph.D. …This Week @…
“C’est magnifique!”
Traditional Catholic Politician, Chartres Pilgrimage Veteran, Stuns CPAC, Blasts EURead Online HERE


Hilary White …A Remnant Special Report...
How bad is it?
It’s as bad as Bishop Stephan Ackermann

Bishop ackermann

One of the painful parts of writing about the Church crisis is having to learn about the Church crisis. It’s a sad fact that in order to write about something with adequate care and diligence, one spends a lot of time amassing facts that most people, most sane people, would really just rather not know Here's a case in pointTo Read the Full Report, SUBSCRIBE

Timothy J Cullen

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down, unless we hold fast to the Faith...To Read the Full Article, SUBSCRIBE


Father Celatus ...The Last Word
The Romans Are Coming! (To Destory the Novus 'Temple')


The condition of the institutional Church, under the leadership of Modernists for more than fifty years, is not unlike that of the Jews in the time of Christ. While Judaism as a whole was not in formal apostasy while Christ yet lived, within a generation mainstream Judaism was in full-fledged apostasy and its center was destroyed. Only a remnant remained true to the Faith and upon this remnant God built the Church.  Modern Catholicism is more and more separating itself from its religious roots, as did apostate JudaismTo Read the Full Feature, SUBSCRIBE

The Remnant Speaks…

In Defense of the Latin Mass
Lapsed Catholic but Reading The Remnant
Please Help SSPX School Grow!

A Better Insurance Option

Remnant Tours News

Please consider sponsoring our chaplain and chaperones.

The 2018 Remnant pilgrimage to France and Fatima, after the Chartres walking Pilgrimage, is sold out. However, anyone wishing to walk with the official U.S. Chapter from Paris to Chartres over Pentecost weekend, can still register with Remnant Tours: HERE

Seeking Pilgrimage Sponsors—see this year’s applicants online HERE

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Read 4063 times Last modified on Tuesday, March 13, 2018