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One of the Vatican’s most recent grave scandals — the conference exploring the “Mind, Body & Soul” — has provided further evidence that Pope Francis and his entourage no longer feel obligated to keep up the appearances of trying to honor God or save souls. If they occasionally ramble off something that resembles Catholic thinking, they invariably follow with ideas that mock the Church’s traditional beliefs and practices. Even if everything else in the world was ideal, the current state of the Vatican hierarchy would be enough to convince us that we will soon see the wrath of God.

Those of us who actually still have the Catholic Faith know how this ends (God wins), but we understandably have some anxiety about the details that will unfold between now and that day of victory. How bad will it get? How long will we have to endure? Will we completely lose access to the sacraments? Are we in the last times?

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On Cajun Cooking and Liberal Tolerance


Is liberal tolerance possible? Does the Enlightenment have a dark side? And what does any of this have to do with Cajun cooking?

Remnant columnist, Jason Morgan, Ph.D., speaks at the Symposium in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Morgan's talk was streamed in Tokyo on April 29, 2021.

Kathy Thompson's article about the late Fr. Malachi Martin's book Windswept House (The Remnant, April 30) was very interesting, but its chronology regarding the enthronement of Lucifer in the heart of the Vatican needs clarification. I am able to contribute some personal testimony of my own about this matter that I believe will interest Remnant readers. Also, it will add to what is publicly known about a reported event which, if indeed it took place, was very probably a significant factor in exacerbating that 'smoke of Satan' which has corrupted so many aspects of the Church's life and witness since Vatican Council II.

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Michael Matt again speaks at Jason Morgan and Paul de Lacvivier's conference in Tokyo, Japan, albeit not in person this year due to COVID restrictions.

Michael's talk on the Enlightenment's connection to Globalism was streamed in Tokyo on April 29, 2021. A transcript of this talk also appears in the May 15, 2021 issue of The Remnant.

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In this Sunday Sermon from So. Saint Paul, Father takes off the gloves where the Vatican's upcoming international health and human services conference is concerned.  

Evidently, Francis just can't wait to become Chaplain of the New World Order. 

Here's a 3-minute bombshell from Michael Matt's "Editor's Desk" in which TV personality, Bill Maher, no conservative, destroys the Branch Covidians.

We hope you'll share this with those who believe only "stupid Trump voters" question the science behind the Covid narrative.

Maybe they'll listen to Bill. We hope so, since this country is clearly running out of time.

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In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt addresses the following:

- Greta Thunberg admits that while inciting climate panic at Davos, she was being metaphorical…not scientific.
- Michael’s been talking about it for over a year, and this week Team Biden launched The Great Reset with a little help from Pope Francis, Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg.

From May 6-8, 2021, the fifth International Vatican Conference will take place, entitled Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul. Unite to Prevent & Unite to Cure. A Global Health Care Initiative: How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health. The event is being hosted by the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Cura Foundation, the Science and Faith Foundation, and Stem for Life.

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In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt provides all the arguments you’ll need against that crazy uncle who’s still wearing the hazmat suit to the grocery store, or the nutty aunt who still thinks Pope Francis the Globalist is on her side.

First up, Francis: This time he’s teaming up with the radical Left for a conference on world health which includes the expertise of Dr. Fauci, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry and pro-abort Chelsea Clinton.

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In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father explains the importance of the Easter Octave, with special emphasis on the Gospel reading about the first bishops to either betray Jesus Christ (Judas) or doubt His Resurrection (Thomas).

Two thousand years later, the Church is filled with the successors of Bishops Judas and Thomas, men who have betrayed the Mystical Body of Christ to such an extent that apostasy is the only word to describe what is happening all around us.

“Do you want Total War?”

This was the question that Joseph Goebbels asked to a select audience of Nazi Party stalwarts during his perhaps most famous speech at the Berlin Sports Palace on February 18th, 1943. Accompanied by measures fully mobilizing the German people for conflict for the first time since the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, it was seen as a defiant response to Franklin Roosevelt’s announcement of the United Nations Alliance call for  “Unconditional Surrender” of the Axis Powers at a meeting in Casablanca just a few weeks earlier.