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tassig and vigano

Introduction by Michael J. Matt: Early this morning, a Remnant reader in Argentina sent some background information on this unfolding story. According to our correspondent, liberal Bishop Eduardo Taussig of the Diocese of San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina, will be transferred soon, after a controversial tenure during which he reportedly alienated some of the faithful by imposing communion in the hand and other progressive initiatives. Again, according to our correspondent, Bishop Taussig had already negotiated his exit with Pope Francis, but decided first to close down the best Seminary in Argentina: the Diocesan Seminary of San Rafael, founded by Msgr. León Kruk and led by the late Father Alberto Ezcurra and many other excellent theologians and professors.

In light of this unfortunate development, I’m pleased to publish Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s open letter to Bishop Taussig regarding this latest ecclesial scandal out of Argentina.  MJM

letters from hell graphic

The Unending Anti-Viral Carnival

Our beloved Greek forbears’ claim that “those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” does not bode well for the future of New York City,  where a tropical heat wave has in no way dimmed the terrorized population’s insane enthusiasm for obeying all of the absurd counsels of the anti-viral mafia. Its passion for donning its slave muzzles---with 90%-95% compliance in Manhattan---has been supplemented not only by face shields and gloves but even in the case of some fetishists with contraptions that look like beekeepers’ outfits or Samurai warrior gear.


soul leaving body

Whatever happened to death?

A few weeks ago I was enjoying a video by an American Orthodox priest talking about Covid19 and the spiritual poverty of the modern attitude toward death, even among believing Christians. Fr. Josiah Trenham is the pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California, and he quoted another priest, who observed, “You know, no one wants to die anymore.” The comment is arresting. It cuts right through all our unconsciously secularist assumptions.

The Orthodox retain the ancient Christian view – elucidated by the Patristic Fathers – of death as the “catharsis of evil,” meaning the purgation or purification from our own evil and that of the world.

New from Remnant TV...Francis UNpope thumb

NEW NORMAL UPDATE: Priest calls the cops on his parishioner for not wearing a mask. (You won't believe what happens next.)

Congratulations to Father Jonathan Morris, Fox News religion analyst. Thanks to a special dispensation from Francis, young Jonathan is getting married!

From The Editor's Desk, Michael takes a closer look the moral, spiritual and economic lockdown of America and asks probing questions about what's really going on. For example, as the number of Covid deaths declines dramatically why are masks becoming mandatory now when, back in April--when there were 3,000 deaths per day--masks were optional?

nun teaching ethnic children 

I am always surprised to note how often mediocrity is praised as though it were absolute truth. Today it is racism, tomorrow it is democracy, the next day it is eco-theology. It never ends.

On the racism front, the time has come to make clear some historical facts and Catholic common sense about race and slavery. The truth may be surprising to some.

In all of human history, only the Catholic Church teaches unequivocally that there are no longer Greeks or Romans, Jews or Gentiles, men or women in the economy of salvation. It doesn’t depend on what you look like or what is stamped on your passport—every human being, without exception, is called to eternal life and can achieve it through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

schneider elevation 2Bishop Schneider

ROME, July 20, 2020 (Remnant) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider is calling on Catholic clergy and laity around the world to unite in a crusade of reparation for sins against Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

The call comes as instances of profanation and sacrilege against the Most Blessed Sacrament have skyrocketed due to responses to the coronavirus, and after five decades of what the bishop terms unprecedented abuse against the Eucharistic Lord.

In a statement released today through the Remnant (see full text below), Bishop Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, says such abuse includes the widespread practice of “Communion in the hand,” reception of the Eucharist “by those who have not received the sacrament of Penance for many years,” and “the admittance to Holy Communion of couples who are living in a public and objective state of adultery,” i.e. divorced and remarried Catholics.

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IF, AND WHEN, we have another genuinely Catholic pope, he could do worse than to begin his first encyclical by quoting the opening passage of Pope Pius IX’s Quanta Cura:

With how great care and pastoral vigilance the Roman Pontiffs, our predecessors, fulfilling the duty and office committed to them by the Lord Christ Himself in the person of most Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, of feeding the lambs and the sheep, have never ceased sedulously to nourish the Lord’s whole flock with words of faith and with salutary doctrine, and to guard it from poisoned pastures, is thoroughly known to all, and especially to you, Venerable Brethren.

President Trump defunds the WHO tweet

Editor’s Note: Readers will recall the May 7, 2020 “Appeal for the Church and the World to Catholics and All People of Good Will,” which was published here at The Remnant, and signed by eight bishops, three cardinals, many theologians, priests, medical doctors, journalists and Catholic activists.

As editor of The Remnant, I was also one of the original signatories.

New from Remnant TV...sisters thumbnail

In this Sunday Sermon from South St. Paul, Father goes where very few Catholic priests are willing to go.

Using the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Father explains what it means for the nation and for the Church to have a president who is willing to stand for the religious freedom of Christian Americans.

New from Remnant TV...really rob

Discarded Covid19 masks are washing up on beaches and threatening the planet's ecosystem. Now, what?

From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses anti-Catholic bigotry in America from colonial times through the Know Nothings and down into the 1960s. He asks why, when it comes to race and religious bigotry, is America moving back into a nineteenth century, almost as if the Civil Rights movement never happened.

vigano and sister potente+ Carlo Maria Viganò and Sister Antonietta Potente

An Open letter to Archbishop Viganò from Sister Antonietta Potente:

We are deeply indignant at the words that you, a christian and a bishop, have written in support of president Trump, the proponent of a policy that, in recent months, has shown itself to be increasingly discriminatory and violent, both with regard to the health emergency and these latest events of racism. It seems to us that using Scripture to justify the political violence of president Trump is like giving “pearls to swine” according to the evangelical words: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot (cf. Mt 7:6). The language that you use in your message to the president of the United States (Letter of June 7, 2020) stuns us as women, christians, and dominican religious, but at the same time it provokes us to distance ourselves from and denounce the ambiguity of your thought and your position, which moreover employs a dualistic and discriminatory language.