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Monday, March 31, 2014

A Fourth Person in the Blessed Trinity? A Comment on the Latest 'Chris and Mike Show'

By:   The Remnant Girl
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Cardinal Kasper Cardinal Kasper

Check this out: "Neo-Catholic Bishop Bashing is De Facto Sedevacantism" 

OK you guys! I've got it figured out!


In the video I've linked to, the latest Chris n' Mike Show, they suggest that there is no limit to what the neo-cons will defend as long as it comes with an endorsement of the pope, up to and including adding a fourth person to the Holy Trinity.

It came to me in an inspired flash! THAT'S what we need! A fourth person of the Holy Trinity. A Holy Quadrinity! No no, just stick with me here. It's good.

We know that the doctrine of the Church is authored by Almighty God, not the pope. We all agree on that. Even the neos. Which means that only Almighty God could possibly change anything in Catholic doctrine. But lately, we've been hearing a lot about this "sensus fidelium" character who says we have to change lots of things.

Well, we have been hearing about it from bishops, actual successors to the Apostles, and how can you argue with those guys, right? They say they've surveyed the Catholic faithful and they don't believe all this old fashioned sort of Catholicism. All that's out these days. Nowadays we believe in a less hierarchical church (see what I did there?) and more a democratic method of finding out what church is for.

It's not about "teachings"; it's about accompanying, about dialoguing and journeying and...urrr... all that stuff... (bear with me, it will take a while for us Oldthinkers to learn to spew the idiotic lingo... to use the correct new vocabulary)...

Anyway, they've taken the survey and they've found out what they've been doing wrong all this time, and this Sensus Fidelium guy has suddenly popped up and said he wants the new, friendlier church of hugs.

And who, again, is qualified to change Catholic teaching? Only Almighty God. So, therefore, who is the Sensus Fidelium?

I think I need to write a letter to Cardinals Kasper and Muller right away, and tell them I've been inspired with a solution to the deadlock.



Last modified on Monday, March 31, 2014