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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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The pro-life movement is divided over the case of a pregnant high school student who violated her Christian school chastity pledge and will be barred from "walking" at her graduation ceremony. The young lady is complaining to the New York Times, the mainstream media are crucifying the school principal, and some pro-life groups are accusing the Christian school of a form of "shaming" that will lead to more abortions.

So, what's going on here, and why isn't every pro-life group in America supporting this Christian school's efforts to fight the fundamental cause of abortion among teens--premarital sex? Is the pro-life movement lowering the bar on promiscuity? Plus, what is a 'pro-life feminist'?

5600381Pope Francis and Lutheran "Bishops" (Male and Female) Commemorate Luther's Revolt in Sweden

As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Protestant revolt and the planned “commemoration” of the event by the Modernists in Rome, it serves as an opportune time to review Luther’s errors and heresies on justification, as well as the immediate fruits that they produced (Mt. 7:20).  We will see that Luther’s teaching on justification by faith alone (sola fide) is not simply “faith without works,” as some imagine, but is instead rooted in an entirely different notion of faith, which is believed to justify and save man without requiring obedience to the moral law. We will also see that his errors were rooted in a disdain for the holy justice of God and His moral Law, combined with a consequent distortion of Divine mercy – very similar to the errors infecting many high ranking prelates today.

This from the Zuiddam website:

Rome – For more than a thousand years the Vulgate was the ‘authorized version’ of Western Christianity. Not anymore.Vatican II initiated a silent revolution which has now replaced the ancient Vulgate with a new translation. This new official Bible is no longer based on Latin manuscripts and lacks any historic worship tradition in the Church. This Nova Vulgata, as it is presented on the Vatican’s website, is a verse by verse reconstruction of what modernist scholars think the original Hebrew and Greek texts must have looked like.

The Pope was Catholic and the Vulgate was the Bible of the Western Church.  For centuries these were truths that were considered too ridiculous to question. In today’s context, rightly or wrongly, ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ has taken on a new meaning, but for the Vulgate the situation is worse.

Jerome’s monumental translation has officially lost its status and has been replaced by a product of critical scholarship. When one searches for the ‘Vulgate’ on the Vatican’s website, the only results that come up are links to this new translation Nova Vulgata. Even Google directs it clients, also those who specifically look for the ‘Clementine Vulgate’ to the Vatican’s new Bible.

While the name suggests continuity, this Nova Vulgata is not a new or improved Vulgate edition. It is not even based on Vulgate manuscripts. Instead, the Nova Vulgata is a new translation into Latin. It is only presented as ‘New Vulgate’ because the Vatican has adopted it as the new authorized standard for Church and academia alike. As will be addressed later, both Catholics and scholars have reasons to revolt. In matters of sacred liturgy, secular reason and faith traditions often prove incompatible. READ MORE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Of course, scripture tampering has been going on for a long time in the post-conciliar Church, revising Scripture being sort of the classic plaything of Modernists everywhere.  Nevertheless, I'd encourage scripture scholars to examine the latest versions of the Catholic Bible being quietly posted over at 

The thing seems to have been "evolving" steadily since the Second Vatican Council, which put forth the mandate for a revision of the Latin Psalter in order to bring it in line with “modern text-critical research”. In 1965, Pope Paul VI established a commission to expand the revision to cover the entire Bible. The revised Psalter was completed and published in 1969, followed by the New Testament in 1971, and the entire Vulgate was completed in 1979. A second edition was then published several years later in 1986. What’s been happening since? Well, let’s find out.

This new & improved Bible has long been under fire by those who see it as a new translation rather than a revision of St. Jerome's work. So perhaps monitoring what’s going on lately might be a good idea. It’s not that we don’t trust the Vatican to do the right thing when it comes to the inspired written word of God, of course. Perish the thought, in fact! It’s just that we’re rather fond of the old Russian proverb (which became Ronald Reagan’s motto): “Trust, but verify”—especially when it comes to our Modernist friends in the Eternal City.

trumptwitterDear President Trump:

I have been following Presidential politics for decades, and never, not even during the height of the Watergate affair, have I seen anything like the situation in which you are now embroiled.

In the brief time that has elapsed since your inauguration—just over four months—the media-DNC-Deep State-RINO complex has managed, by means of an entirely fictional “Russian collusion” narrative, to create or contribute to the impression that you are already on the verge of impeachment proceedings based upon absolutely nothing of legal consequence. An astounding array of investigations, most of them launched in the last days of the Obama administration, have searched for  “collusion” without even the allegation of an underlying crime. To date, the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and committees of the House and Senate have found no evidence to support the fiction.  Yet on and on the multi-pronged investigation goes.

This just in from the AgendaEurope website:

Thanks to the initiative of a Polish MEP, former Sejm Marshal Marek Jurek, there is now a Catholic Mass in the so-called “extraordinary rite” (i.e. the rite that was in common use prior to 1969, and which was defined as the universally valid rite of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius V following the Council of Trent) on the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels.

A first such celebration took place on 4 May, and a second is scheduled this week on Thursday 18th May at 8 a.m. in the “meditation room” ASP 00H152 (located behind the desk of the Office of Tourism, on the ground floor).

This is truly important. The Christian faith is at the center of European culture and identity, and the traditional mass is the quintessential expression of Christian faith. With these celebrations, if they assume a regular character, the European Parliament will at long last be re-establishing a linkage to Europe’s true fundaments.

REMNANT COMMENT: Obviously, this development is significant and important indeed!  I'm thinking back now, in fact, to when I was a child, and the Latin Mass was available only at a Howard Johnson's conference room on Sunday mornings. Other than that (SSPX), it was gone and it was never coming back...abrogated forever.

But as the world became more Godless and degenerate, the Traditional Latin Mass made a slow but steady comeback, until today not only is it available in most major cities in the U.S., but even in Europe--and now--incredibly! -- at the HQ of the EU itself.  Clearly, God will not be mocked. Those old enough to have lived through the immediate post-Vatican II period, will feel confident that there's no cause for defeatism or pessimism or surrender here in 2017. The darkest days of revolution in Catholic Church are behind us now, as a rather buffoonish pope shocks millions out of their post-conciliar coma.  

Yes, things are bad, but God's hand is perceptible in all of this.  He is in His heaven, hearing and answering every prayer of those who still believe in Him.  I know, I remember the heyday of the Revolution in the Church. And never did I imagine it would all begin to crumble and fall in my own lifetime. But the men of faith of those early days--Michael Davies, my father, and so many others--never for a moment doubted that it would. Why? Because they never for a moment doubted Him. People are waking up.  

Don’t believe me? Watch this video, and pinch yourself----this is EWTN, formerly Neo-Catholic Central. Praise God and never give up the fight! The enemy is not nearly as invincible as he'd have us believe, especially if we believe--not in his power--but in God's.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

TLM at EU HQ Featured

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a fatima
The Remnant Underground

With 'wars and rumors of wars' dominating news of Syria and Russia, wouldn't the 100th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions in Fatima have been a good occasion for the visiting Pope Francis to obey the Mother of God and consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart?  Pope Francis didn't think so.  Instead he dragged Our Lady onto the Mercy Express and ignored her requests completely.

Question of the year: If Syrian President Assad is 'gassing his own people', why do the two million Christians in Syria support him? Michael Matt discusses this and the canonization of Jacinta and Francisco--two of the three seers of Fatima.

burke goodROME, May 19, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Raymond Burke issued a call this morning for the Catholic faithful to “work for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

Cardinal Burke, who is one of the four Cardinals who have asked Pope Francis for a clarification of Amoris Laetitia, made his appeal at the Rome Life Forum, in the month of the centenary of Our Lady of Fatima’s first apparition to the three shepherd children.

Burke is the former prefect of the Apostolic Signatura and current Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

In a comprehensive address on “The Secret of Fatima and a New Evangelization,” Cardinal Burke, in the presence of fellow dubia Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, outspoken Kazakhstan Bishop Athanasius Schneider and over 100 life and family leaders from 20 nations, said that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart would mean much more than the ending of world wars, and the physical calamities that Our Lady of Fatima predicted. 

“As horrible as are the physical chastisements associated with man’s disobedient rebellion before God, infinitely more horrible are the spiritual chastisements for they have to do with the fruit of grievous sin: eternal death,” he said.

He expressed agreement with one of the foremost Fatima scholars, Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, who said that the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary undoubtedly refers firstly to “the victory of the Faith, which will put an end to the time of apostasy, and the great shortcomings of the Church’s pastors.”

Turning to the current situation in the Church in light of Our Lady of Fatima’s revelations, Burke said:

The teaching of the Faith in its integrity and with courage is the heart of the office of the Church’s pastors: the Roman Pontiff, the Bishops in communion with the See of Peter, and their principal co-workers, the priests. For that reason, the Third Secret is directed, with particular force, to those who exercise the pastoral office in the Church. Their failure to teach the faith, in fidelity to the Church’s constant teaching and practice, whether through a superficial, confused or even worldly approach, and their silence endangers mortally, in the deepest spiritual sense, the very souls for whom they have been consecrated to care spiritually. The poisonous fruits of the failure of the Church’s pastors is seen in a manner of worship, of teaching and of moral discipline which is not in accord with Divine Law.

The call for the consecration of Russia is for some controversial, but Cardinal Burke addressed the reasons for his appeal simply and straightforwardly. “The requested consecration is at once a recognition of the importance which Russia continues to have in God’s plan for peace and a sign of profound love for our brothers and sisters in Russia,” he said.“

"In fact, the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary did not take place, as she requested," he added.

“Certainly, Pope Saint John Paul II consecrated the world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984,” said Cardinal Burke. “But, today, once again, we hear the call of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, in accord with her explicit instruction.” READ MORE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: So after all of these years, "crazy" old Father Nicholas Gruner  (RIP) is proven to have been right all along.  How about that! 

Don't miss The Remnant's special double issue, all about Fatima. Subscrbe to The Remnant Today!

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Sunday Sermons from South Saint Paul

Father speaks to the First Communicants, explaining the importance of the Rosary, the Scapular, Our Lady of Fatima, and the importance of becoming Saints.

This just in from LifeSiteNews:  -- St. John Paul II’s 1976 prophetic warning about the rise of an “anti-Church” that would preach an “anti-Gospel” is being fulfilled today by leaders within the Catholic Church, even at the highest levels, said a priest in a talk given at a Catholic conference today in Rome. Fr. Linus Clovis of Family Life International said in his talk at the Rome Life Forum, organized by Voice of the Family, that the anti-Gospel of the anti-Church is often “indistinguishable from secular ideology, which has overturned both the natural law and the Ten Commandments.”

“This anti-Gospel, which seeks to elevate the individual’s will to consume, to pleasure and to power over the will of God, was rejected by Christ when tempted in the wilderness. Disguised as ‘human rights,’ it has reappeared, in all its luciferian hubris, to promulgate a narcissistic, hedonistic attitude that rejects any constraint except that imposed by man-made laws,” he said.  READ MORE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: God bless and keep Father Clovis! This is one of the most revealing, explicit and truthful speeches given in the Eternal City in the post-conciliar era. He ties in Fatima, Amoris Laetitia and then courageously explains the role of Pope Francis in the rise of the Anti-Church.   Here, for example, is Fathers' take on AL:

“As a Trojan horse, Amoris Laetitia spells spiritual ruin for the entire Church. As a gauntlet thrown down it calls for courage in overcoming fear. In either case, it is now poised to separate the anti-Church of which St. John Paul II spoke from the Church that Christ founded.  As the separation begins to take place, each one of us, like the angels, will have to decide for himself whether he would rather be wrong with Lucifer than right without him."

 This LifeSiteNews article should be sent to every priest and bishop in America.

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Editor’s Note
: There’s nothing sensational about this article…no breaking news, no new & improved papal scandal, no dirty laundry. On the Internet clickbait scale, it's a 1.  But, please, do yourself a favor -- read it. From first paragraph to last, it positively exudes the sensus catholicus. It is filled with hope, and it puts all the scandals of our day into proper perspective — mere footnotes of history, jotted down by someone long after the Novus Ordo has been recalled, the Spirit of Vatican II exorcised, and the traditional liturgies and teachings fully restored to the life of the Church.  Especially if you think this won't happen anytime soon-- please read on. MJM 

Christianity would not have enemies if it were not an enemy to their vices. ~Jean-Baptiste Massillon (1663-1742)

The Rossinian Moment

Unless I really know what I’m talking about, I prefer to keep my mouth shut. That’s enough to keep me quiet most of the time, but lately I’ve been further reduced to an almost Carthusian-like silence. That’s because I’m constantly finding myself in the midst of a Rossinian moment. Let me explain.