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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Peace Offering to Neo-Catholic Apologists

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Peace Offering to Neo-Catholic Apologists

It has often been said by Neo-Catholic apologists that we Traditionalists are uncharitable, mean-spirited, and ill tempered. Basically just downright mean. In order to dispel this notion, I've taken it upon myself to perform an act of charity towards Neo-Catholic apologists everywhere.


After considering many possibilities, I decided what can possibly be more charitable than assisting Neo-Catholic apologists to pray? And what do Neo-Catholic apologists pray? Well, among other things, they pray the Vatican II inspired Liturgy of the Hours issued by Paul VI in the 1970's. And found inside those Liturgy of the Hours as a Morning Prayer hymn is the song "Morning Has Broken."


So, as a public service to all Neo-Catholic apologists, please bookmark this webpage and let the soothing sounds of the following live performance of "Morning is Broken" (also from the 1970's) help aid your morning meditation the next time this hymn is on your Novus Ordo liturgical calendar.


(Disclaimer: Trads should not watch video below unless performing penance directed by spiritual advisor. In addition, the man singing in the video below went to Catholic school, but then converted to Islam after singing this song for almost 8 years. I'm not saying there is a connection...I'm just saying...)



P.S. I know Neo-Catholic apologists will point out that Cat Stevens was not the original author of this song. That may be true. However, if any hymn in one's breviary can be successfully covered by Cat Stevens, I think it's time to get a new breviary. 

Read 5288 times Last modified on Thursday, June 19, 2014