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Vigano crest 2Most Reverend Excellency,

Your recent decision to suspend the celebration of the Tridentine Liturgy in the church of Vocogno and in the chapel of San Biagio in the Ossola Valleys (Piedmont, Italy) has provoked a great bitterness in the thousands of the faithful and in the priests who are tied to the Traditional Rite (here). After years of application of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, the coldness with which you have executed Traditionis Custodes has aroused deep indignation, despite the fact that the Code of Canon Law gives diocesan Ordinaries faculties that would permit you to derogate from it.

As we end the liturgical year, and begin another Advent with Francis still occupying the papacy, we cannot escape the reality that the Church’s crisis has grown significantly worse over the past year. All but the most obstinate self-deceivers recognize that Rome has not only lost the Faith but has also become the loudest voice against the true Faith. It appears that we now hear Satan’s unfiltered voice through these false shepherds.

New from Remnant TV...

The Little Ferret gets a gig on Canada’s big drag queen show on TV. Zelensky donates big money to the Democrat candidates. (Still standing with Ukraine?) And Donald Trump says he will run again.

Michael asks a few questions:

  • Will there be an America left to save in 2024?
  • Will Mitch McConnell’s war-hawking Neocons let him get nominated?
  • Will the WEF psychos let him live until 2024?

In thinking about what the 90-year-old Chinese Cardinal Joseph Zen is now enduring, I'm reminded of another such hero from back in my day,  the Hungarian Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty. There was such an outcry and effort by all Catholics to plead and work for his release from a Communist prison. 

Vigano crest 2Beatus populus, cujus Dominus Deus ejus. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.  - Ps 143:15

In his 2018 article in The Remnant, Can the Church Defend Herself Against Bergoglio?, Christoper Ferrara presented the case for bishops to call an imperfect council to remove Bergoglio:

New from RTV...

In this Special Edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt interviews Sergeant James Hipple – a retired New York City police officer.

This discussion goes well beyond the midterm elections to the disastrous effects of the Democrat war on God and His law – the root cause of massive escalation of violence in America.

New Spotlight from RTV...

This short clip reminds us of a rising "key flank" in the army of Catholic resistance to the anti-Catholic agenda of Pope Francis. 

THE GREAT RESIST: From Cardinal Müller to Giorgia Meloni & from Musk to Putin full episode HERE

Guardian of Tradition: Watch the Documentary HERE

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A couple of months ago in a Remnant Underground episode, I noted that the so-called "red wave" had crashed far out to sea and wasn’t likely to materialize.

That, alas, is how the midterm elections went down.

Ever since the Dobbs decision, the demon sharks have tasted blood in the water. Dobbs gave new life to their anti-life cult. Every night, they took to the airwaves to beat the war drums against the unborn, using fear and manipulation to fire up their base of Millennials and Gen Z-ers – perhaps the most clueless generation in the history of this Revolution. According to exit polls, had it not been for the 18- to 35-year-olds, there would indeed have been a red wave. They came out en masse and turned the red wave into a red ripple.

In his Athanasius and the Church of Our Time, Bishop Rudolf Graber quoted a 1968 article in the Paris journal of the Freemasonic Grand Orient de France, “L’Humanisme,” describing the changes which would eventually take place in the Catholic Church:

Among the pillars which collapse most easily we note the Magisterium; the infallibility, which was held to be firmly established by the First Vatican Council and which has just had to face being stormed by married people on the occasion of the publication of the encyclical Humanae vitae; the Real Eucharistic Presence, which the Church was able to impose on the medieval masses and which will disappear with the increasing inter-communion and inter-celebration of Catholic priests and Protestant pastors; . . . the differentiation between the direction-giving Church and the black-clad (lower) clergy, whereas from now on the directions will proceed from the base of the pyramid upwards as in any democracy. . .”

Do you think the midterm elections don’t matter? George Soros disagrees with you. Soros has donated $128.5 million to Democracy PAC, $10.5 million of which went to Senate Majority PAC, a super PAC controlled by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer. Soros also gave $1 million to J Street Action Fund and Planned Parenthood’s super PAC.

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In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt lays out a new course of action in the wake of YouTube’s decision to take Remnant TV off the air.

Citing National Public Radio’s diabolical decision to broadcast an abortion live, Michael warns that America is facing the end of the world as we know it.  Here’s why the midterm elections actually do matter this time…perhaps more than ever before in the history of this country.

In a stirring rallying cry to the clans around the world, Michael challenges RTV viewers to do the right thing, to keep hope alive, and to make this moment a defining moment of change for all those who are still willing to do whatever it takes to save this nation, to save the family, and to become the fighters for truth that God is calling us all to be.