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Image result for christmas 1915A Christmas Truce at the World War I Front

Editor’s Note: This article was published in The Remnant in 2006 after having first appeared on the Your Guide to 20th Century History website. It is reproduced here with the permission of the author. The original song by John McCutcheon is well worth listening to as you read this incredible story from a day and age not so very far removed from our own but, alas, fading in every way from the consciousness of "grown up" and "enlightened" men who've lost sight of God, Country and even who and what they are anymore-- much less the true meaning of Christmas. MJM

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Editor's Note: Each year around Christmastime we post this short, personal Christmas reflection,  which offers an alternative custom to the celebration of the great Feast. I wrote it some years ago (before the last two children came along), and every year since I receive email from new visitors to this site gently chastising The Remnant for not posting it earlier in Advent so as to allow time for families to adopt as their own some of the customs herein suggested. Over the years many Catholic families have adopted the old Christ Child tradition, believing it to be a beautiful means of restoring the true meaning of Christmas while strengthening Catholic identity in children. And it can be gradually implemented, of course. Christmas is all about midnight and Christmas Eve and the Christ Child. And a truly happy, holy and merry Christmas remains forever predicated on careful observance of Advent. No Christmas trees, no lights, no good things to eat until December 25, when the time of waiting comes to an end and all of Christendom rejoices over an event so magnificent even a two-year-old will never forget it. Christ is to be born--and the world, the flesh and the Devil will never change that reality, no matter how hard they try. Happy Holidays?  Yeah, right! A fruitful Advent and Merry Christmas to all visitors to this site. MJM

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As Facebook blocks ads (for being sexually provocative) that include photos of the Vatican's weird Nativity scene and Modern Nativity Inc., releases its blasphemous "Hipster Nativity" set, Michael Matt down in the catacombs comments on the gale force Modernist winds that have been blowing the Catholic Church off course for half a century or more. However, has Pope Francis gone too far? What are we to make of the latest news regarding Robert Cardinal Sarah? What about the New Mass: Has it contracted a terminal disease? The winds of change are blowing this Christmas—they bring bad news, yes, but also clear signs of hope and a worldwide Catholic awakening. Plus, you won't believe what William F. Buckley thought of the Council and its New Mass. Was he right, forty years ago when he called Pope Paul's New Mass a…..?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

VATICAN II IN TWILIGHT: The Real Francis Effect Featured


Dear Visitors to The Remnant Website:

I need about three minutes of your time. I have a proposal for you that I know will make sense to you, will substantilaly expand the traditional Catholic counterrevolution, and may just save The Remnant in the process.

First off, a word of thanks. As Christmas approaches I’d like to convey my sincere thanks to all those who visit our website, subscribe to our newspaper, watch our videos and in general do so much to help make this site one of the most popular traditional Catholic sites in the world. I’m humbled by your support, and I am encouraged to make The Remnant even more serviceable to you in the New Year.

New from RTV

a god of surprisesWas it really necessary for the Vatican's Christmas Nativity scene to include a statue of a naked man?  Pope Francis's call to correct the Lord's Prayer dominates international headlines and is met with resistance from both Catholic and Protestant groups. Plus, pro-life leaders throughout the world sign a Pledge of Fidelity to resist pastors—including Pope Francis—who deviate from Church teaching on marriage and the family.

lyzzmn lyzzl4europewinter web02We all know that during the second half of the John Paul II pontificate a great number of conservative Catholic laity took seriously the call to the “New Evangelization” and started working for the Church. It’s a common story in dioceses and the various offices of national conferences bishops around the world. A great many of these are what we call “Generation X” people who were raised and lived through the post-conciliar period, watching as their parents’ generation of priests and bishops systematically tore down the edifice of the Church – sometimes literally in bricks and stones, but as often in the form of the terrible destruction of our patrimony of Catholic social and moral culture.

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woodstock thumbnailMichael J. Matt discusses sexual harassment in politics and entertainment, and asks the question: Where is the media's newfound moral indignation coming from? What did they expect after 50 years of sexual revolution, classroom sex education, free love, and women demanding to be treated just like men?  Plus, is there a connection between all of this and the total breakdown of modesty in dress in our culture? Why do the ladies at CNN and Fox dress like ladies of the evening?  Were the pre-conciliar popes and even Our Lady of Fatima paranoid puritans when they issued their foreboding warnings against the paganization of dress and culture?

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romansSunday Sermons of South Saint Paul. Father takes a look back to the apostasy of the Jewish leadership at the time of Christ which quickly led to the apocalypse of the total destruction of the temple and the end of their way of life. This he compares to our apostasy today and the resulting apocalypse that is clearly at hand.  Could it be THE apocalypse described by St. John in the Last Gospel? God help us all.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

APOCALYPSE NOW: The Romans Are Coming Again


The following is a slightly adapted version of the talk given by Chorbishop Spinosa at the Catholic Identity Conference 2017
bishop spinosa
Today’s world speaks of three monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. We hear it in the secular news and in religious discussions as well. My question is: “Are they true religions?”

The Last Word…

hagiaHoly Trinity Roman Catholic Church, in Syracuse, NY, desecrated while transformed into a mosque. (Well played, Vatican II)

A few weeks ago America experienced a horrific mass shooting at a music concert by a radical Islamist; a few days ago we suffered through another horrific shooting, this time at a Baptist church by an avowed atheist. Both were acts of terrorism and both should be categorized as hate crimes; but they will not be, because Moslems and Atheists are both protected species whereas country music rednecks and main stream Christians count for little or nothing in the estimation of this diabolically disoriented world.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Operation Hagia Sophia

New from RTV...

In the wake of the movie mogul Harvey Weinstein sex scandal, Hollywood's dark and nasty underbelly is finally beginning to show.  From down in the catacombs Michael Matt talks pop culture, pointing  out how early Traditional Catholics were just as concerned about the rock 'n' roll and Hollywood-driven Sexual Revolution as they were the liturgical revolution of Vatican II. Pope Pius XI issued an encyclical warning against the motion picture industry way back in 1939.  Were Catholics of the past just paranoid, or have post-Vatican II Catholics of today simply lost the ability to recognize evil when we see it?  Now we have prominent cardinals in Rome eulogizing gender-benders such as David Bowie, while Neo-Catholics hope and pray that AC/I DC  guitarist Malcolm Young is now "playing before the throne of God."