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For the first time in history, a number of bishops as well as representatives of every major traditionalist priestly fraternity in the world (including the SSPX and FSSP), as well as journalists from both sides of the Atlantic, will come together for a weekend conference to discuss united and principled defense of Holy Mother Church. This is NOT a traditionalist version of false ecumenism. There are serious issues which still come between the participants in this conference. However, this is a gathering of serious Catholics who realize the Church is suffering her worst assault in history, and thus requires all of her sons and daughters to stand in her defense.

 a pope

In a 450-page book-interview, Pope Bergoglio reduces adultery and fornication to “minor sins,” announces a “battle” against sexual morality via Amoris Laetitia, condones “civil unions” for homosexuals, pronounces all wars unjust, and says the secular state is a healthy thing.

If there was any doubt that Pope Bergoglio’s tumultuous reign is an unparalleled, indeed apocalyptic, threat to the integrity of the Faith, that doubt cannot possibly survive the publication of “Pope Francis: Meetings with Dominique Wolton: Politics and Society,” a 450-page compendium of rambling private conversations between Bergoglio and Wolton, a French sociologist, during an extraordinary series of private audiences at the Vatican.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Francis Expands the Fake Magisterium Featured

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Sunday Sermons of South St. Paul.

"Martin Luther and the Church in Our Time." Father presents a brief history of Martin Luther and his heresies, and then connects the dots between those Lutheran errors and the new orientation of the Catholic Church in modern times.

Are we seeing the spirit of Martin Luther animating the so-called "Spirit of Vatican II"?

The SPLC would have the world believe that the Catholic Church for nearly two thouand years was a self-serving racist organization... before the Second Vatican Council got rid of all the hate.  So where are all the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hospitals? Where are their orphanages, homeless shelters, schools, universities? The SPLC likes to talk about how much they care about poor people but what have they actually done for poor people?  The reality is this: No organization in the history of the world has done more for the poor and needy, ethnic minorities, the downtrodden and miserable collateral damage of man's inhumanity to man than that Catholic Church. It is also the most truly color blind organization the world has ever known.

On Tuesday, D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the charity navigation organization GuideStar, and Amazon for defamation, religious discrimination, and trafficking in falsehood. The SPLC listed DJKM as a "hate group," while GuideStar also categorized it in those terms, and Amazon kept the ministry off of its charity donation program, Amazon Smile.

New from Remnant TV...
A ThumbnailA Remnant Audio Article

Tired of open season on Catholic priests? Sick of the distorted image of modern, weak and emasculated priests tainting the memory and the legacy of the hundreds of thousands of heroic priests of the past? It's time to tell the stories of real Catholic priests, both in the past and living today. Father Vince Capodanno is one of them. He offered the old Latin Mass every day, gave his life for his friends on the battlefield, and is the ultimate 'missionary of mercy.' Here's his story, narrated by Michael J. Matt

Pope twilight zone

“Don't look for hate in the Twilight Zone - look for it in a mirror. Look for it before the light goes out altogether.”  ~Rod Serling

Hissy fits are so unattractive, especially in men. Why haven’t they wised up at the Papal Court of Bergoglio?  They surely must know that gossiping and trash talking resembles.... What did Pope Francis call it? Oh, yeah, Coprophagia.

Warning: Don’t google the definition during mealtime.

That’s all you need to know about Pope Francis and his pornographic vocabulary. What manner of man, albeit the Vicar of Christ, utters such a vile and perverse obscenity? A humble man. Just ask Francis.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone...
Friday, August 25, 2017

Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Written by
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Patrick J. Buchanan, President Ronald Reagan

Politico Magazine, in its May/June 2017 issue, featured a long essay by writer Tim Alberta about Pat Buchanan and his role in American politics and culture, and in particular, the role he has had in sustaining a vision of a more Christian nation, and what that means during the Trump Era. And Alberta highlights one very central element in Buchanan’s life: his strong Catholic faith. He and his wife, Shelley, are regular communicants at the Saint Mary Mother of God Church in Washington. His Catholic faith has influenced him throughout his seventy-eight years, beginning with his childhood as one of nine children in an archetypical Catholic family of the 1950s, through his experience in parochial school, and then at Georgetown University and at the Columbia School of Journalism, on into writing, serving two American presidents, and running for president three times.

poletti carries ferroniGOODFr. A. Poletti Carries Bishop Ferroni to Freedom


One bridge connects the two territories. A few meters of barbed wire separate two worlds and two civilizations. The physical distance can be measured in a few meters. The moral distance, however, cannot be measured. On one side there is liberty, over there the negation of every religious liberty. – Father Ambrogio Poletti, from “The Priest at the Bamboo Curtain”

Under the brim of a grimy, frayed newsboy cap, two sunken eyes rimmed in black stared straight ahead from their sockets, as if frozen from fear.
A scraggily beard hung like gray stalactites from cavernous cheeks. Bald patches detailed a survey of where torturers had plucked hairs during interrogations.  Upon a stretcher lay an Italian bishop, 63 years old, frail and weak. His black tunic and dirt-stained pants draped loosely over his bones. Chinese black-cloth shoes – wrapped around and tied with spare twine – swaddled his swollen feet.

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Friday, July 28, 5:45 AM: a hundred and fifty pilgrims attend Mass at Immaculate Conception Priory, the SSPX chapel in Post Falls, Idaho, before walking twenty-two miles on asphalt bike paths and abandoned railroad lines through the local towns. That night, they camp in a hay field east of Coeur d’Alene. Saturday, July 29, 6:30 AM: fifty more pilgrims, freed from the duties of the work week, join Friday’s group for a day of trekking across gravel backroads and rough logging trails in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains.

matt family 2Michael J. Matt (& Family)
 ‘Leader’ of One of Minnesota’s ‘Active Hate Groups’
According to the Radically Liberal Southern Poverty Law Center

“Southern Poverty Law Center has been criticized in the past for having too broad a definition of hate.” (
WCCO TV reporter, Heather Brown, August 14, 2017) So there’s your 2017 Understatement of the Year. But then why did WCCO TV rely on an obvious Fake News source to concoct a nothingburger story like this?  
Let us consider this textbook example of Fake News. 

Last night, WCCO TV attempted to forge a link between white supremacists in Charlottesville, VA and—wait for it! —The Remnant. As the primary source for this “exposé”, WCCO reporter Heather Brown trotted out the 2006 Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report on hate groups in America.

La confessione by Molteni Giuseppe

Several years ago, when it was becoming increasingly common for adults to allege childhood sexual abuse long past based upon so-called repressed memories, one of the most esteemed pastors of a local diocese was accused of sexual abuse of a child while hearing his confession. The attorney representing the alleged victim did much grandstanding in the media in preparation for the trial, only to have the case thrown out of court when it was determined that the abuse alleged to have occurred decades ago would have been physically impossible, since confessionals physically isolated priest and penitent back then.