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Father Daniel Nolan of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter risks everything in order to speak Catholic truth to Globalist power. This outstanding sermon was pulled down by YouTube, of course, and we are posting it here at on our own and with no authorization from (or request by) Father Nolan. 

Whether we think of him as an anti-pope or merely one of the the worst popes in history, the fact remains that Francis has arrogated to himself a power that no pope can ever have: to reshape the Holy Catholic Church to fit the anti-Catholic objectives of the globalists. Even if we consider him to be far worse than his immediate predecessors, though, we have to look back to the pre-Vatican II popes if we want to find Successors of Peter who assiduously defended the Mystical Body of Christ. And when we read the great encyclicals of the popes who warned about the Liberal and Modernist errors that were threatening the Church prior to Vatican II, we are struck by the way in which everything has changed. Pope Francis attacks Catholics for believing what the pre-Vatican II popes said we must always believe to remain Catholic.

Our niece, a civilian nuclear engineer doing work for the Navy, recently contacted us with questions about how she might go about preparing a statement of religious objection to a vaccine mandate she is facing. With OSHA’s workplace vaccine mandate currently in legal limbo, it’s a good time to examine the concept of religious exemption, and a few questions immediately come to mind:

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This week, seven hundred healthcare workers at the Mayo Clinic lost their jobs for being noncompliant with the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate. Many of these former “frontline heroes” objected on moral grounds, due to the connection between Covid vaccines and aborted fetal tissue.

In the pages of The Remnant, we have been running The Good Cop Files which tell the stories of Catholic police officers who’ve lost their jobs for refusing to take an abortion-tainted vaccine.

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In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father explains how a Godless and irrational fear is driving faith out of our world and leading to global tyranny.

This powerful and inspiring sermon is given during Christmastide, and thus reminds us that we are still celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ and we must use the great feast to help us let our faith drive out the ungodly fear of Covid and any sort of New World Order. 


Wouldn’t it be great if Pope Francis were to issue a motu proprio against the universal scourge of predator priests? He was quick to fire one off against priests who offer the Latin Mass. But not so fast when it comes to the pedophiles and pederasts. I wonder why not...

Wouldn’t it be great if Cardinal Blase Cupich were leading a crusade against the collapse of law and order in the city of Chicago right now, where the moral authority of the Catholic Church is obviously in the toilet?

Instead, he's waging a little holy war against Catholics who like the old Latin Mass. I wonder why. Surely, there are bigger fish to fry in the midst of rising moral chaos and a massive clerical sex scandal.

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From Francis to Biden, it appears that radical popes use the same dirty-tricks tactics as radical politicians.

Anyone who questions their narrative must be crushed by the new Novus Ordo Inquisition. And I guess Francis hasn't noticed how his ruthless crackdown on faithful Catholics is turning pilgrims into crusaders. Rumor has it that the man is actually very sick with cancer and may not be long for this world. Is this true, and might it perhaps explain his mad push to destroy his own Church?


Concerning the “Responsa ad Dubia” of Traditionis Custodes

Vos estis qui justificatis vos coram hominibus :
Deus autem novit corda vestra :
quia quod hominibus altum est,
abominatio est ante Deum.

You are those who justify yourselves before men :
God however knows your hearts :
for that which is exalted to men,
is an abomination before God.  -
Lk 16 :15

In reading the Responsa ad Dubia recently published by the Congregation for Divine Worship, one wonders to what abysmal levels the Roman Curia could have descended to have to support Bergoglio with such servility, in a cruel and ruthless war against the most docile and faithful part of the Church. Never, in the last decades of a very serious crisis in the Church, has ecclesiastical authority shown itself to be so determined and severe: it has not done so with the heretical theologians who infest the pontifical universities and seminaries; it has not done so with fornicating clergy and prelates; it has not done so in punishing in an exemplary way the scandals of Bishops and Cardinals. But against the faithful, priests and religious who only ask to be able to celebrate the Tridentine Holy Mass, no pity, no mercy, no inclusivity. Fratelli tutti?

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown!” - W. Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part Two, Act 3, Scene 1

Francis's papacy is now in its last scenes, and sooner or later the curtain is expected to fall to bring this Tragedy to an end. In the meantime, we watch the unfolding of a plot which, fatally, is treading down in its advance Francis himself, his collaborators, and the life of the Universal Church, under its weight of madness, evil and folly. To paraphrase the Swan of Avon, this is a tale acted out by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Francis apparently does not like Traditional Catholics. And, unfortunately, rather than offering up his displeasure and showing us the same compassion he shows believers of every other religion, he has proven to be extraordinarily rigid in our regard. Of course we should pray for him, but his recent Responsa as Dubia also provides us an opportunity to finally acquiesce to his demands, which should help improve relations in the near term.

Two Clans Unite in Holy Matrimony

Christmas is upon us once again and if, like the song says, you sure could use a little good news today, this column is for you. Enough with the gloom and doom. There’s plenty of reason to rejoice and be glad this Christmas, maybe more so than ever.

We’ve survived the COVID CRAZY, and it’s beginning to look as though the COVID CRAZIES may give up before we do. Our friends in Australia may be going through the worst of the Nazi Redux, but they’re also schooling the world on how to resist diabolic tyranny. Lead on, mates. We’re right behind you.