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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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During World War II, all practicing Catholic GIs were traditional Catholics. All Masses offered on Christmas 'in the trenches' were Traditional Latin Masses. All chaplains were 'rad trads'. Makes you wonder--doesn't it?--are we sure the Catholic Church has been moving in the right direction these past fifty years?

Editor’s Note: In our continued quest for gold buried away in the archives of The Remnant and The Wanderer, I came across this one. It appeared in The Wanderer when my father was oversees fighting in the European theater of World War II. It’s unsigned, and it touched me somehow…as I hope it will touch you. MJM

Big guns wheel into position. Maps are scanned. Objectives marked. The fortress Europe will be hammered from every side; death and desolation will hit the cities of the continent with planned precision against a timetable of terror, unparalleled in the history of man.

You are spiritually sick, malicious, and tools of the devil.

It’s Christmastime again. That means it’s time for the Pope who says But never judge. Never” to issue his annual judgments on the character defects and spiritual illnesses of members of the Roman Curia who are resisting his “reforms.”

In his annual “Christmas Greetings” (more like “Christmas Condemnations”), Francis reminds the Curia that he has already twice (2014 and 2015) diagnosed their “diseases” of soul and prescribed “catalogue of virtues [emphasis in original] necessary for curial officials and all those who wish their consecration or service to the Church to become more fruitful.” This year, Francis heaps more insults on the mountain of crude opprobrium with which he has attempted to bury any opposition to whatever he would like to do under the rubric of the Protestant slogan semper reformanda (falsely attributed to Saint Augustine, who said nothing of a Church that must constantly reform itself as opposed to maintaining or restoring what has been handed down).

pope francis fatima

I am come in the name of My Father, and you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. How can you believe, who receive glory one from another: and the glory which is from God alone, you do not seek? (Jn 5:43-44)

Errors Perpetrated Against Holy Scripture

Pointing out the errors perpetrated against Holy Scripture and Tradition by Pope Francis has become tiresome, due to the sheer volume of examples. But one homily, given by the Pope, as reported on June 15, 2013 by News.VA, the "official Vatican network", is so scandalous in its violence against the true teachings of Christ that it bears closer examination—especially now, three years later—as many are beginning to realize the damage this pope is attempting to inflict upon the One True Church. In his homily, Francis said:

Editor’s Introduction
: I’m very pleased to introduce our newest columnist, Miss Anna Priore. Miss Priore received her Bachelors in English Journalism from St. Olaf College in 2015. She is a resident of Rochester, Minnesota, and regularly attends the Latin Mass with her fiancé, Nicholas, whom she met at a summer program at Christendom College. They are receiving the sacrament of Matrimony this coming June. Anna has been writing for about 10 years for several newspapers and Catholic blogs. Topics that interest her include commentaries on politics and culture, exploring and exposing Catholic-in-name-only colleges and their liberal agendas, and promoting respect for the Traditional Latin Mass and the Holy Eucharist. Welcome aboard, Miss Priore! MJM

It’s difficult to describe the enormous amount of pressure young unmarried couples face today to cohabitate and save money by combining their finances and rent. It goes without a doubt that cohabitation is the most efficient and easiest option many couples have: no need to pay rent for two separate places, no more annoying housemates, and they can start preparing for their future married life together. It makes so much sense that it seems ridiculous for devout Catholics to contradict it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Culture Watch: The Cohabitation Trap Featured


Our lady of Guadalupe
The first and perhaps greatest prophecy given after the fall of our first parents is contained in Genesis 3:15, where God speaks to the serpent: "She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." This verse of scripture references the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception and the great power she would exert over the devil, especially in the latter times.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, La Crosse, Wisconsin

History was made on Saturday, December 10, 2016 when, for the first time ever, a Tridentine Pontifical High Mass was offered at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Raymond Cardinal Burke was the celebrant and, among other beautiful observations, His Eminence spoke of the glories of the Traditional Latin Mass. The Cardinal also expressed his desire to begin offering the old Mass more frequently.


The universal Church is now entering a gravely critical moment in her history that shows alarming similarities with the great Arian crisis of the fourth century.

Editor's Note: Many thanks to our friend and ally in London, Dr. Joseph Shaw, for passing along this important letter of support for the Four Cardinals, signed by a collection of prestigious academics, philosophers, theologians and priests. Dr. Shaw writes:  "The initiative of the Four Cardinals in seeking clarification, in light of tradition, of the teaching of the Church on Communion for couples in irregular situations is of epochal significance. In this letter, a score of Catholic academics and pastors lend their support to this initiative, giving their reasons."  We ask our readers to please share this letter with friends, family, social media contacts, news agencies, and anyone in a position to help make it as widely known as possible. The situation in Rome is beyond critical.  MJM

Statement of Support for the Four Cardinals’ Dubia

Many thanks to an old friend of The Remnant who this afternoon reminded me that today is the birthday of the late, great Father H. Marchosky. My correspondent writes, "It's peculiar, reflecting on these stalwart people from the past, how in my 60's, I often feel like an orphan. May God bless and keep these warriors; these saints.  And may He have mercy on us."

I couldn't agree more. I miss them, and, as predicted when they left us, no one has truly filled the shoes of these valiant pioneers of the Catholic counterrevolution. "Smells and bells" traddies, they were not! And they were traditionalist long before it was "cool".  Many of them lost everything (apart from the faith) in defense of Tradition, and Father Marchosky was no exception. He traded prestige and a life of luxury as a highly respected professor of theology for his refusal to offer the New Mass.

Father's story is included in the Angelus Press book, "Priest, Where Is Thy Mass? Mass, Where Is Thy Priest? Seventeen Independent Priests Tell Why They Celebrate the Latin Mass"

Please pray for our old friend, the man who introduced Michael Davies to the Remnant way back in 1971, never once offered the New Mass (though he managed to remain under his bishop throughout his priestly life), and for many of us was the one priestly link to the Church in eclipse, long before there was an Indult when, for all intents and purposes, the Old Mass was dead and buried. They never gave up hope and, inspired by their example, neither did we.

I wrote this when Father died, nine years ago this week:

Father H. Marchosky, RIP

At three o'clock this morning, December 11, within the Octave of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a great, Catholic priest died peacefully. Father Harry Marchosky had been ill for some time, and so had been in the good care of James and Patricia Haddock in Veneta, Oregon for the past five years. He died at home, just moments after having completed fifteen decades of the rosary with his friends. A priest for 55 years, he was 84.

The holy priest's last words on this earth were: "I love Our Lady so much.  I want to go home." 

Longtime readers of The Remnant will surely recall the singular contribution to the cause of Tradition made by Father Marchosky.  A Thomistic philosopher as well as an accomplished linguist, this convert from Judaism (and one of the founders of Thomas Aquinas College in California) never once offered the New Mass and yet remained in good standing with his bishop to the very end. The office of the Archbishop of Quebec (Father's bishop) warmly acknowledged Father's passing by telephone on the morning of his death, in fact.

Father Marchosky was fiercely loyal to Tradition, which meant he was fiercely loyal to the Church and to his vow of obedience.  He carefully maintained what he called "loyal resistance" where his superiors were concerned, noting that they could order him to stop offering the Mass (and he would obey) but they could not force him to offer the New Mass. For over four decades, then, Father had been in a good position to offer example and advice to countless seminarians and young priests who learned to be loyal defenders of Tradition at the feet of Father Marchosky.  In the last ten years of his life, he helped out wherever he could at the St. Society of St. Pius X's center in Veneta where he was cared for with great charity and love.

Over his career, Fr. Marchosky had worked closely with men such as Dr. Eric de Savanthem, Dr. John Senior, Hamish Fraser, Walter Matt and, of course, Michael Davies. It was Father Marchosky, in fact, who "discovered" a very young Mr. Davies on a trip to London in 1970, and subsequently encouraged him to form an alliance with The Remnant, which is how American Catholics came to know the great Mr. Davies.

Father was a chaplain for the U.S. Chapter on the Pilgrimage to Chartres many times, he was part of the great “March on Rome” in 1972, and  met with Archbishop Lefebvre several times, including here in St. Paul when the Archbishop visited The Remnant in 1976.

The model of priestly virtue and commitment to his holy calling, Father Marchosky was responsible for many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of converts to traditional Catholicism.   He was there from the very beginning, and one of the first priests in the world to become known as a "traditional" Catholic.

At seven years old, the present Editor of The Remnant served his first traditional Mass—one offered by the late, great Father Marchosky.  It was an experience never to be forgotten because it was the first of many and served as unforgettable introduction to the “catacomb movement” that was traditional Catholicism in the early 1970s. Twenty-two years later, Fr. Marchosky would offer the Nuptial Mass when my wife and I were married.  Were it not for this most courageous, holy, funny, brilliant and erudite priest—master of six languages, gourmet cook, theologian, expert on the writings of St. John of the Cross and Cardinal Newman, seminary professor, philosopher (who had much of the Summa literally committed to memory) and fan of Maria Callas's music and, believe it or not, Jack Benny's early work—many of us would likely not be traditional Catholics today.

Much more will be written about the life of this heroic alter Christus who gave up everything--career, power, prestige, a comfortable living--for Tradition and for his convictions, but for now I would ask Catholics to remember this great champion of the Catholic cause in your prayers, and, if you're able,  have a Mass offered for the repose of his soul.  After all Father Marchosky did for the traditional Mass movement over the past forty years, both here in the States and in Europe, it is only fitting that as many Masses as possible should be offered for his soul as quickly as possible.

The Church has lost one of her most able defenders, and we have lost a friend who can never be replaced but who will always be remembered. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

Pray for us, Father. God bless you.

To read more about the history of The Remnant and other pioneers of the Catholic counterrevolution, check out our HISTORY SECTION

This just in from
Gay conversion therapy is one step closer to being outlawed, after a Bill to criminalise the practice passed through committee stage tonight.            

The Bill, which enjoys the unanimous support of all MPs, will see people who attempt to change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation receive a fine ranging between €1,000 and €5,000 or a jail term of five months.            

The penance will be harsher for professionals – with fines envisaged between €2,000 and €10,000 or imprisonment of up to a year. It will now only need to be formally approved in the third reading before passing into law. READ ARTICLE HERE
REMNANT COMMENT: May the diabolical European Union--responsible for the demise of Catholic Ireland (among other countries), and now Malta--meet its own demise sooner than later. The pattern is simple: flood these last little vestiges of Christendom with lots of money and, once the Faustian bargain has been struck, order them to shake hands with the Devil. It all begins with the money.

Malta saved a slumbering Europe from certain destruction once before…. Please God, let Malta rouse herself to the evil menace that confronts her today, before it's too late.

"If Pope Francis would ditch his habit of insulting faithful millennials, Hahn writes, he might begin to see more of them in the pews."

In a December 5, 2016 article by, Nicholas G. Hahn III , The Detroit News sounds positively Remnant-esque:

Millennials are leaving religion in droves, recent surveys find. Churches are roiled, but it appears Pope Francis isn’t worried he may accelerate the exodus.

The “Who am I to judge?” pope recently told an interviewer that he has a hard time understanding why so many young Catholics worship in Latin on Sundays. “Why so much rigidity,” Francis asked. “This rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else.”

That represents an ugly departure from his predecessor, Benedict XVI, who allowed for wider use of the pre-Vatican II Mass in 2007. “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too,” the pope emeritus wrote, “and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful.”

Then only a little over 200 Latin Masses were celebrated in the United States. That number has since more than doubled. The Massgoers aren’t a bunch of old anoraks, either. It’s millennials and hipsters who tend to prefer the smells and bells. READ ARTICLE HERE

REMNANT COMMENT: Mr. Hahn concludes with, “But if Francis would ditch his habit of insulting faithful millennials, he might begin to see more of them in the pews.” And that pretty much nails it. If Pope Francis the Humble would stop insulting, not just millennials, but everyone with whom he disagrees—and that seems to constitute most of the practicing Catholic world—maybe he wouldn’t be sliding quite so dramatically in the popularity department.

As it is, Francis remains popular only with the same 'basket of deplorables' that thought Hillary Clinton was great—the UN, Nancy Pelosi-type ‘Catholics’, CNN and the rest of the Far-Left.

But Hillary Clinton’s ‘wild popularity’ in the real world was mostly illusory, a media creation, just as Pope Francis’s popularity is turning out to be. People have had enough, as today’s story in The Detroit News illustrates yet again.

So now maybe we can all start praying for Pope Francis as we should have been doing all along, rather than trying to make him into something he's not—a great pope. In fact, he's the worst pope in history and desperately needs the prayers of his subjects who are growing increasingly alarmed by his pontificate.