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In this Remnant Underground, Michael takes Francis to the mat for the "Great Apostacy" that was his be-feathered photo op blitz in Canada, apologizing to the indigenous for the fact that the Catholic missionaries who evangelized and civilized that nation were simply obeying the Divine Commission from Jesus Christ Himself.

Editor's Note: We received the Bishop Burbidge's press release and the following letter in our inbox simultaneously. We are reproducing both here in order to put a face to the Catholics who are being persecuted by the Woke Church of Francis and Co.  MJM

Your Excellency, 

Though I am certain you will never read or see this email I must express my sadness and anger regarding your cowardly decision to suppress the traditional Mass in your diocese. I have been a long term member of Holy Trinity parish in Gainesville, VA. Our 12:30 Mass attendance ranges from 500-700 people every Sunday. Now you have given us the privilege of attending the traditional Mass in an auditorium at a Montessori School.

For the sake of argument, think about how the Catholic world would react if we soon had a saintly pope who restored the Church’s liturgical practices to their pre-Vatican II state, solemnly denounced all of the heresies that have proliferated since Vatican II, excommunicated the various false shepherds, and embarked upon a holy path of promoting the rights of Christ the King. Almost certainly we would find that all of the nominal Catholics who hang on Bergoglio’s every word would no longer think much of the papacy. And all of us who feel varying degrees of persecution from Rome would be united in thanksgiving, rejoicing that God had answered our prayers.

New from RTV...

Despite all their talk about "listening" and the "Synodal Way," Francis and his fellow revolutionaries steadfastly REFUSE to listen to the hundreds of thousand of Catholics worldwide who choose to worship God at the Latin Mass -- the Mass of St. Faustina, St. José Sánchez del Río, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and Padre Pio. 

THE GAY SCIENCE is the book by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche containing Nietzsche’s infamous declaration that “God is dead.” This is bad enough, but it is actually much worse than it seems. For Nietzsche, the death of God was merely an afterthought. What Nietzsche portends in The Gay Science, and in much of his work overall, is the obliteration of all distinction between right and wrong. God’s death follows from this—for Nietzsche—much bigger and more important transgression. Nietzsche didn’t believe in God, so His “death” was anticlimactic. It was the ruination of morals that Nietzsche was really after.

New from Remnant TV...

In this week's Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses Pope Francis's week-long 'Pilgrimage of Repentance" to Canada (begins tomorrow,  July 24, 2022).

Question is: What is Francis apologizing for... exactly?  Is the pope who famously said "atheists go to heaven" apologizing for actual abuse of indigenous children, or is this something of a smokescreen for a papal apology for the Catholic Church's missionary activity, which in Trudeau's Canada means "racism, colonialism, and cultural repression"?

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In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father discusses St. Augustine's famous "City of God vs. City of Man."

Pagan Rome was a "city of man" which is why even despite its awesome power and wealth, it eventually collapsed beneath the weight of it own excesses.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

ONE NATION: But Still Under God?


AS THE SUMMER rolls on and we approach the fall, I like to rehash the real reasons we are homeschooling.

After all, it can be a little too easy to dream – to dream of sipping my peppermint tea polluted with stevia (a natural sweetener that becomes my annoying meal companion when I am actively working on postpartum flab reduction) uninterrupted each morning; to fantasize about what life would be like if I actually used my college degrees to rake in the serious dough and we got to experience what a blast family life can be when lived on two incomes; or to contemplate how pretty my lavender kitchen would look without baking soda volcanoes erupting here and there and the infamous “food dye being sucked up by celery sticks” science project sitting next to my Big Mean To-Do List. But alas, all play-script dreaming must come to an end, so that reality can take the stage, and the true stories behind the joys and struggles of homeschooling can be told. 

Vigano crest 2DECLARATION

on the suspension of the liturgical celebrations

of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

in the Archdiocese of Chicago

Cardinal Blase Cupich, with the bureaucratic authoritarianism that distinguishes the officials of the Bergoglian church, has ordered the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest who carry out their ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago to suspend all public functions in the ancient rite beginning at the end of the month of July, revoking the faculties granted to them in accordance with the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum.

“The reactionaries say and the clerics say that the child belongs to the home and the youth to the family; this is a selfish doctrine, since the child and the youth belong to the community, to the collectivity  . . . the child and the youth belong to the Revolution.” (Mexican Marxist Dictator, General Plutarco Calles speech in Guadalajara, 1935) 

Well, at least we know where Terry McAuliffe received his talking points during his disastrous candidate debate last year. Mr. McAuliffe lost his bid to be the next governor of Virginia last November. He became the first Democrat to lose statewide office in Virginia since 2009.

New from Remnant TV...

This week's episode is the recorded presentation that Michael Matt gave to the Roman Forum’s Summer Symposium in Gardone, Italy.

Michael Matt takes a deep dive into the mysterious Catacombs Pact—a signing ritual that took place 55 years ago with more than 40 Latin American bishops on the eve of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. This event, which celebrated it’s 50th anniversary at the Amazon Synod in 2019, is eerily connected to Pope Francis AND to Klaus Schwab.