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Shock and Awe:

Marriage and Martyrdom for Iraqi Catholics

Rev. Fr. James H. Doran

Death and marriage are not usually two concepts spoken in the same breath, in fact they are opposites: marriage betokens life and renewal, while death the end of hope.  Nevertheless, for Catholics, both are in fact related as only theological hope could accomplish – death in life and life found in death – discovered in the beauty of the Sacred Heart on Calvary.  All the baptized are called to imitate Christ both in His Life and, perhaps especially, in His Death.  To a wonderful degree this perennial reality is being played out before the world, blind for the most part, but within which we Catholics would do well to attend.  We have much to learn.

After the events of September 11, 2001, the United States government promised its citizens that the 'evildoers' would be brought to justice.  There was, understandably, public rage and the desire to right this wrong.  The US was attacked in the center of its greatest city. There were 2,976 causalities.  Grief and shock covered the mood of the country from the trauma of the individual and collective violation felt from the attack....MORE>>>

Merry Christmas from the CDF

Vatican Makes It Official: No Change in Church teaching on immorality of condoms

Michael J. Matt

At press time this week we received word that the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued an official clarification of Pope Benedict’s recent comments regarding prophylactics. The clarification is not only as official as it gets but it was also released in five languages, suggesting that with some urgency the Vatican means to put the world on notice that the Holy Father has in no sense changed, altered or updated Church teaching on the immorality of condom use...MORE>>>

The Remnant Appeals to The Remnant

(Updates and Christmas Specials)

Michael J. Matt

As these last few weeks of 2010 hurl themselves against the gates of the New Year, I feel a bit like George Bailey counting down the seconds to closing time, knowing that if he can just keep the doors of the old Building & Loan open for a few more moments Mr. Potter will have failed to run him out of business. I don’t think I’m letting any cats out of the bag when I admit that The Remnant came closer to losing that battle this year than ever before...MORE>>>

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November 30,

Founded by Walter Matt

“Walter Matt’s courageous decision to found The Remnant in 1967 could be said to have given birth to the Traditionalist Movement in the USA.

I would go as far as to say that without Walter Matt there would be no Traditionalist Movement in the United States.” . . .

Michael Davies
April 30, 2002

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