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Robert Morrison | Remnant Columnist

With the recent widespread criticism of the document authorizing the blessing of same-sex unions, Fiducia Supplicans, we can see hints that Francis and his collaborators may have entered new territory in their assaults against Catholic Truth. And yet, as most Traditional Catholics understand all too well, Fiducia Supplicans is simply one of Francis’s countless intolerable offenses against the Faith.

Francis’s unholy alliance with the globalists has alerted many Catholics to the reality that anti-Catholic interest groups play a far greater role in shaping Vatican policy today than do actual Catholics. For good reason, then, we beg God to convert or remove Francis.

There is a perpetual battle between two sides: on the side of God are sound doctrine and truth; and on the side of Satan are fables and the desires of those with itching ears.

It is fiendish gaslighting for Francis and Tucho to tell us that Fiducia Supplicans constitutes an “innovative broadening" of the Church’s teachings about blessings and then insist that only hypocrites and haters see it as an “innovative broadening” of what the Church has always taught.

When thinking about how best to resist Francis (and any heretic the next conclave might elect), we should recognize that God has given us the example of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who fought these same battles long before the world had heard of Jorge Bergoglio.

In God’s Will: The Life and Works of Sr. Mary Wilhelmina, Foundress of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, Sister Wilhelmina’s religious community wrote of her “marching song”:

“She developed a deep and trusting abandonment to Divine Providence. As an old nun, she would walk the halls of the convent, beating time with her cane and chanting her ‘Marching Song’: God’s will, God’s will, God’s will be done! Praise be the Father! Praise be the Son! Praise be Divine Love, Lord Holy Ghost! Praised be in union with the heavenly host!” (p. 76)

No Catholic is required to believe the messages from the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three children of Fatima, but the reactions to the messages from high-ranking churchmen reveal several vital aspects of the current crisis in the Church. The conclusions we can draw from these reactions do not depend on the Fatima messages being legitimate — all that matters in this analysis is that the churchmen under consideration purported to believe them. And yet, if we honestly assess the way in which Church’s leaders have acted in light of the messages of Fatima, we can see something absolutely staggering: their actions paint the same picture of apostasy as that apparently contained in the complete Third Secret of Fatima that they have concealed.

One of the meditations in St. Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises depicts the spiritual war between Jesus Christ and Lucifer, in which all men must choose which standard to follow:

“Consider that we are all placed between Jesus Christ and Lucifer, and that it is equally impossible either to serve both at once—‘No one can serve two masters’ (Matt. 6:24)—or to remain neutral without serving one or other, for Jesus Christ says, ‘He who is not with Me is against Me’ (Luke 11:23). It is, then, necessary to make a choice.”

“What I am going to say is not a dogma of faith but my own personal view: I like to think of hell as empty; I hope it is.” (Francis, January 14, 2024 interview)

If we wanted to compile a list quotations which could encapsulate the crisis in the Catholic Church and world today, we would do well to include the following from Archbishop Hélder Câmara (signer of the Catacombs Pact and a crucial influence on Klaus Schwab):

“It would shock many people if the Church came along giving the impression that I am the solution to every problem — I have the solution to every problem. No, we come only to try to collaborate with the world, not by throwing our weight around but by shedding a bit of light here and there” (Archbishop Hélder Câmara, quoted in the Archbishop Lefebvre Documentary, 39:00)