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Single-Issue Politics?

Disturbing Images) 

When it comes to far-Left radical voters in this country, single-issue politics is just fine.  For them, it’s all about sex, women’s reproductive rights,  homosexual marriage and all the rest. But when it comes to God-fearing conservative voters, single-issue politics is mocked as the stuff of 'rubes and retards',especially when that issue is abortion.  Why is that?

Michael Matt speaks in defense of the unborn and the urgent need for politicians to speak up for them and their rights not only to vote but to LIVE -- today more than ever. 
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Aborted Voters: Baby Lives Matter Featured


nunsQuetzaltenango is the second largest city in the Republic of Guatemala. It lies in the volcanic, mountainous region of western Guatemala, in the shadow of the active volcano, Santa Maria. The region is arguably one of the more beautiful areas on earth. Located on the outskirts of Quetzaltenango is a marvelous little project named "El Hogar del Nino Minusvalido Hermano Pedro" (Brother Peter Home for Handicapped Children).

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If you spend even a few moments online among Catholics, you will come across the pejorative “Rad Trad” or radical traditionalist. This is an exclusive club I somehow got inducted into and yet I don’t remember filling out the application. And man, the dues… the dues are steep.

As most of us know, “Rad Trad” is meant as an insult, a way of separating Catholics and, let’s be honest, smearing a group of good Catholics who attempt to practice their faith in a way similar to how Catholics have always practiced it. They label them as judgmental, holier-than-thou, Pelagian, Promethean, haters of mercy and all the proof required is some comment by some guy in some com box somewhere that was over-the-top and rude. So, you are just like that guy. Just ‘cause.

In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
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The Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus (“to us likewise sinners”) prayer of the Roman Canon refutes the Modernist teaching that everyone goes to Heaven; that we are all living saints on earth. Modernists do not have a sense of sin and redefine Church doctrine to make the worst of sinners feel proud and at peace with their shameful sinful lifestyles, and open to accepting false religions. To them, “S” is for “Saints” – no matter what you do or what religion you hold, ‘We are all going to Heaven!’ (Syllabus of Errors, Great Blessed Pope Pius IX, #15-18). This heretical thinking does not produce Saints: brave souls willing to die believing, defending, practicing and spreading the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

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Pope Francis holds a private meeting with a longtime friend from Argentina and his boyfriend inside the Vatican Embassy on September 23, 2015. The two laymen have been in a same-sex relationship for 19 years.


A “Pastoral Practice” at War with Doctrine

You have approved as the only correct interpretation of Amoris a moral calculus that would in practice undermine the whole moral order, not just the norms of sexual morality you obviously seek to subvert. For the application of virtually any moral norm can be deemed “unfeasible” by a talismanic invocation of “complex circumstances” to be “discerned” by a priest or bishop in “pastoral practice” while the norm is piously defended as unchanged and unchangeable as a “general rule.”

The nebulous criterion of “limitations that diminish responsibility and culpability” could be applied to all manner of habitual mortal sin, including cohabitation—which you have already likened to “true marriage”—“homosexual unions”—whose legalization you have refused to oppose—and contraception, which, incredibly, you have declared is morally permissible in order to prevent the transmission of disease, which the Vatican later confirmed is in fact your view.


Today, the Catholic Church assumes the degrading role of a kind of simpering courtier
in the kingdom of the 
New World Order."   - Christopher A. Ferrara

The drip, drip, drip of more leaked Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) documents surfaced in the DCLeaks website to illustrate the ongoing unholy alliance between George Soros and Pope Francis. The Pope appears in the weekly OSF reports as the subject of laudatory and strategic accounts of papal pronouncements and actions promoting Soros’ ‘new normal’ of massive Muslim migration in Europe. While Francis seems oblivious, even the DCLeaks hackers recognize the treacherous and manipulative Soros as a monstrous global threat. DCLeaks introduces its infamous subject accordingly:

Monday, September 19, 2016

DCLeaks Bombshell: The Soros/Francis Alliance Confirmed Featured

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Introduction by Michael J. Matt
Remnant columnist, Father Ladis Cizik, is being taken to task by a few Remnant critics for having preached a sermon last Sunday which was evidently too “rad trad”. The sermon drew a comparison between the terrorists who hijacked Flight 93 on 9/11 and the liturgical terrorists who hijacked the Catholic Church at Vatican II.

Father also points out that the brave passengers who finally downed that plane—rather than allowing it to crash into the White House—could be likened to traditional Catholics who’ve spent the last fifty years trying to frustrate the plans of the “terrorists” destroying the human element of Christ’s Church.

in memory
(This sermon was delivered at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Sunday, September 11, 2016.) 

In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.  "We have been hijacked.”  Those were the words of passengers and crew calling from air-phones and mobile phones on the ill-fated Flight 93 on September 11, 2001.  The hijackers were Islamic terrorists.

Font of Error Update # 1
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It seems that not a week goes by without some twisting of Sacred Scripture by a Pope who, as the past three-and-a-half years have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt, has the singular distinction among all his predecessors of being nothing short of a font of error. This unparalleled development has prompted the emergence of a group of diocesan priests who have compiled a vast assortment of Francis’s errors under the title Denzinger-Bergoglio, declaring as their motivation “We all have responsibility for the Church of the Lord.”


The silence about Hillary Clinton is deafening. One hears nothing but crickets from the U.S. Bishops and Cardinals about the democratic presidential candidate’s radical pro-abortion stance, but for the banished Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Why are they sitting mute on the sidelines? How could they be conflicted between an abortion laden democratic platform and the most prolife republican platform ever? Seems like an obvious choice for Catholics. After all, St. John Paul II described life as “the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights.” What’s going on?

When in doubt, follow the money. This ecclesial trail is flush with cash.


popeMore than three years into this bizarre pontificate, one thing has become clear to the informed objective observer: “Father Bergoglio,” as he is wont to call himself when undermining Catholic doctrine by telephone, is abusing the papal office like no other Pope before him in an attempt to pass off his own ideas as binding on the Church.

On and on he goes, telling us whatever he thinks as if he actually expects any believing Catholic to accept his notions as authentic Church teaching, including these: