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Robert Morrison | Remnant Columnist

“Something has changed within the Church, and replies given by the Pope to the most urgent questions, such as priestly celibacy and birth control, are hotly debated within the Church itself; the word of the Supreme Pontiff is questioned by bishops, by priests, by the faithful. For a Freemason, a man who questions dogma is already a Freemason without an apron.” (French Freemason Jaques Mitterand, as quoted in Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s Open Letter to Confused Catholics)

As Michael Matt highlighted in his recent Remnant Underground, tyrannical governments have occasionally banned the Traditional Latin Mass because they have hated the immutable Catholic Faith it embodies. The Church has always presented for our imitation the saintly examples of those Catholics who have risked their liberty, and even lives, to preserve the Mass in the face of such persecution. Today, however, those purporting to be the Catholic hierarchy in Rome have given us an unmistakable sign of the diabolically disoriented times: they are attempting to do more to outlaw the Traditional Latin Mass than tyrannical governments have ever been able to do.

“We hold fast, with all our heart and with all our soul, to Catholic Rome, Guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary to preserve this faith, to Eternal Rome, Mistress of wisdom and truth. We refuse, on the other hand, and have always refused to follow the Rome of neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant tendencies which were clearly evident in the Second Vatican Council and, after the Council, in all the reforms which issued from it.” (1974 Declaration of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre)

“O God, Who by sin art offended and by penance appeased, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy suppliant people: and turn aside the scourges of Thine anger, which we deserve for our sins.” (Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Collect)

“May our fasts be acceptable to Thee, O Lord, we beseech Thee: and by expiating our sins, may they render us worthy of Thy grace, and lead us to eternal Remedies.” (Tuesday in Passion Week, Collect)

Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)

In recent days, we have seen a few indications that more bishops are opposing Francis’s attacks on the Catholic Church. In her report on the prospect of further restrictions on the Tridentine Mass, Diane Montagna noted that members of the Roman Curia are resisting additional persecution of Traditional Catholics:

“[T]here is considerable resistance from members of the Roman Curia, who believe Pope Francis’ promulgation of either apostolic constitution would send the Church into uncharted waters, further wound Christ’s Mystical Body, and be seen (by Catholics and non-Catholics alike) as a cruel and divisive act.”

Thanks to former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin who broke the story, and the many leaders who have stood firm in defense of truth, the FBI has retracted its memorandum targeting Traditional Catholics. While we can applaud this victory for common sense and Catholicism, there is also an important lesson that we, and perhaps even the FBI, can learn from the memo: it subtly reveals the staggering crimes being committed against the Catholic Church and the Traditional Catholics who belong to it.

As most rational and informed Catholics have observed, Francis is not Catholic in his words or deeds. Why, then, would he purport to be a Catholic, let alone govern the Church as its ostensible pope? One does not need to be a conspiracy theorist to reasonably conclude that he does so as an infiltrator who seeks to use Catholics to serve an unholy globalist agenda. So, although the Catholic Church is indefectible, Francis infects Catholics with his faux-Catholicism, making it look like the Catholic Church is doing things that the Church can never in fact do.

As Michael Matt discussed in his recent Remnant Underground, the growing globalist tyranny has convinced countless people that we are in the midst of a decisive spiritual battle and must turn to God. Tragically, most of these souls may never find the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, to which we all must belong, precisely because the tyrannical enemies of God had to undermine the Church to carry out their globalist designs. The small remnant of Catholics who still have the Faith must therefore strive to be the light of the world that attracts those of good will.

In his recent article in America — “Cardinal McElroy on ‘radical inclusion’ for L.G.B.T. people, women and others in the Catholic Church” — Cardinal Robert McElroy framed the challenges facing the Church today in terms of getting “the people of God” to take new paths in the coming decades:

“What paths is the church being called to take in the coming decades? While the synodal process already underway has just begun to reveal some of these paths, the dialogues that have taken place identify a series of challenges that the people of God must face if we are to reflect the identity of a church that is rooted in the call of Christ, the apostolic tradition and the Second Vatican Council. Many of these challenges arise from the reality that a church that is calling all women and men to find a home in the Catholic community contains structures and cultures of exclusion that alienate all too many from the church or make their journey in the Catholic faith tremendously burdensome.”