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Michael J. Matt | Editor

A few days ago, the head of the former Holy Office, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, went out of his way to let the world know that single mothers who repent and confess their sins should be allowed to receive Holy Communion. NEWSFLASH to Cardinal Victor: The Catholic Church has never said otherwise.

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In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt wishes Francis a happy 87th birthday.

Francis is now the oldest reigning pope in 120 years, but some would ask: Is Francis pope, or antipope? Michael takes a deep dive into a new thesis, singed by by nine Italian Catholic intellectuals, which puts an end to that circular firing squad once and for all.

The great Cathedral of Notre Dame is scheduled to reopen on December 8, 2024 after fire nearly burned her to the ground in 2019.

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In this Remnant Spotlight, Michael Matt reminds us all that you don't get to Christmas except through Advent, the wonderful, penitential liturgical season established by Holy Mother Church to prepare our souls for a joyous Christmastide. This season is not for Grinches! It's rich with Catholic custom and tradition, and especially poignant for children, whose little hearts are filled with expectation for the coming of Baby Jesus. Here's just one simple and beautiful way for Catholics to fight back against the cultural revolution, reclaim their heritage, and make Christ the focal point of Christmas.

Michael Matt's Article: "Reclaiming Our Holy Days: Putting Christ Back in Christmas"

Full Video: "Cancelling Cardinal Burke & the Collapse of Team Francis"

Registration is Now Open for the 2024 Chartres Pilgrimage and Side Trip
With Michael J. Matt & Remnant Tours

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt takes a look at the ramifications of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s conclusion that the FBI views pro-life, pro-family traditional Catholics as “possible domestic terrorists.” 

Here’s the bigger problem: Pope Francis is carrying water for the FBI. How so? Watch and see.

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In this week’s episode of The Remnant Underground:

  • The sacking of Cardinal Burke sparks outrage from news networks all over the world.
  • Jewish economist, Jeffrey Sacks, goes off on Dr. Fauci’s Covid lies, denounces the Democrat Party, and charges Israel with war crimes.
  • Big trouble for Team Francis. Turns out, the pope’s Abu Dhabi dialogue partner is an enthusiastic supporter of … Hamas. Question: What is wrong with these guys, and how did they let this happen?
  • Plus, late night comedians are openly mocking Greta Thunberg, Elon Musk says George Soros fundamentally hates humanity, and Klaus Schwab says he’s going to turn the freeways of the world into parks. It’s all part of Globalism’s mad dash to LaLa Land.
  • And, finally, Happy Advent, not Merry Christmas…at least not yet. This year let’s turn holidays into Holy Days.   

The plot thickens. It is being reported that Pope Francis is about to cut Cardinal Burke’s salary and remove him from his apartment in Rome. At the same time, the nuncio to the United States, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, just gave an interview to America Magazine, in which he scolds the US Bishops Conference for lacking due appreciation for the Aparecida Document. It’s all in my new Remnant Underground: FRANCIS FATIGUE: Even Argentina's Had Enough

And what is the Aparecida Document? It’s Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio’s 2007 manifesto all about resetting the Catholic Church in the image and likeness of the Catacombs Pact – the secret agreement signed by 40 Council Fathers down in the Domitilla Catacomb in 1965, just before the close of Vatican II, vowing to radically change the Church into the Church of the Poor.

And how does a poor Church help the poor? It can’t! But that doesn’t matter since these guys don’t give a hang about the poor. They are angry revolutionaries who are determined to tear down the Catholic Church, remove the papal tiara, abrogate the Latin Mass, and make the Catholic Church one among equals with all the other “great religions” of the world.

Did they succeed? Watch and see.

And now the Vatican is evidently coming after any bishop (or cardinal) who is not fully onboard with the WEF-friendly plan to “reset” the Catholic Church in the image and likeness of the New World Order. (Did I mention that the author of the Catacombs Pact, Archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara, was the mentor to one Klaus Schwab?)

Is it becoming clearer? I’m happy with this video because it connects the dots while also providing plenty of clips and evidence of a massive counterrevolution, including at the level of non-Catholics such as Jordan Peterson and Dinesh D’Souza who have also had enough of the Francis Show.

I hope you’ll share this one!

This is war, and it is absolutely essential that Team Francis be exposed and discredited at every step of the way so that, please God, they will be unable to complete the construction of their Globalist Tower of Babel.

FRANCIS FATIGUE: Even Argentina's Had Enough

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In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt takes on critics who charge Traditional Catholics with being no better than Martin Luther for resisting Pope Francis.

Do they have a point? Francis Fatigue is not reserved for Traditionalists, however. Catholic Argentina -- the pope's home country -- just elected a president who is probably Pope Francis's most outspoken critic in the world today. And he won his election with a Latin Mass Catholic as his running mate.

But it doesn't stop there. Trouble is reportedly brewing between the Vatican and the US Catholic Bishops Conference. Vatican nuncio, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, accuses the American bishops of dragging their feet on Synodality and the spirit of the Catacombs Pact.

Meanwhile, as Francis invites a busload of transexuals to have lunch with him in the Vatican, critics, including political commentator Dinesh D'Souza, accuses the Pontiff of confirming sinners in their lifestyle, rather than calling them to convert.

Is the Francis Revolution finally coming to an end?


Source: DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection

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