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Editor’s Note: Over the years since 1988, The Remnant has featured countless debates on the question of the SSPX “schism” and/or irregular canonical status. We have friends and allies on both sides of that divide, and, let’s face it, the complexities of the question are not easily unraveled even by canon lawyers, which is why there are many canon lawyers on both sides of the aisle. Where we’ve drawn the line in terms of publishing this debate is at those who seem disposed to willfully defend predetermined conclusions while consciously ignoring the facts that don’t fit their nice and neat little narrative. So, for example, those who insist on castigating the SSPX as formally “schismatic” even after heads of the CDF in Rome have clearly stated otherwise are, in our opinion, ideologically driven to grind the axe of their own pet peeve, and thus contribute nothing to the debate. Similarly, those in the SSPX who obstinately adhere to 1988 talking points about the FSSP, for example, poised to begin offering the New Mass and give enthusiastic across-the-board approval to the whole warp and disastrous woof of the Second Vatican Council, while ignoring the mountains of real-world evidence to the contrary are, in our opinion, counterproductive to serious debate as well. Mr. Achbold’s approach, on the other hand, is that of serious Catholics on both sides who are trying to uncover and then defend the truth. He may not  agree with important elements of the SSPX’s argument where jurisdiction is concerned, and yet the following article is an example of the fair, balanced and thus constructive discussion we at The Remnant have sought to promote and encourage for 25 years, even if and when it may depart in one way or another from our own editorial policy and opinion. Our thanks to Mr. Archbold for a fine example of the noble effort to cut through the inflammatory rhetoric on both sides and thus be part of the solution rather than the problem where the complex question of the SSPX is concerned. MJM

If my social media is indicative of trends among friends, two themes pop up in my feed over and over again. The first is videos of rogue police violating the constitutional rights of citizens caught on camera as a consequence of the emergence of the video age.   The other is hyperbolic criticisms of the SSPX, with the word schism thrown around like beers at a frat party.
schneider(Bishop Athanasius Schneider, celebrant of the Traditional Latin Mass on Pentecost Sunday on the Pilgrimage to Chartres, stopped by to visit with the leaders of the foreign chapters, including Michael Matt, James Bogle, John Rao and friends and allies from England, Ireland, Germany and many other countries.)

Many thanks for your patience while much of The Remnant’s staff was in Europe on pilgrimage these past few weeks. Though our Facebook page featured regular video updates on the pilgrimage to France, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, I’m afraid the same can’t be said of our site as it is still somewhat cumbersome to find the necessary time, Wi-Fi, etc., to update our websites from the other side of the pond.

The Pilgrimage to Chartres, France was in many ways one of the best ever. Much larger than in previous years, it could even be said that the Francis Effect seems to be producing larger crowds and more enthusiasm for all things Traditional than ever before, the New Mass and the experiment of the Second Vatican Council having begun to sound the death rattle before the eyes and ears of the whole world. If this wasn’t abundantly obvious before, it was made so by the fall of “Catholic” Ireland last week and the impending fall of Italy and indeed all of the countries of what is left of old Christendom. 
How the bankrupt theory of evolution is overthrowing the Genesis account of the Fall, with the help of neo-Catholic enablers.

According to the neo-Catholic view, rejecting the theory of evolution is “denialism,” whereas rejecting the entire traditional understanding of the Genesis account based on the claims of evolutionists merely raises a “problem” to be “mulled over” by theologians. Behold the neo-Catholic mentality at work.
“When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed…”
-Charles Darwin, 1863
“Through use and abuse of hidden postulates, of bold, often ill-founded extrapolations, a pseudoscience has been created. It is taking root in the very heart of biology and is leading astray many biochemists and biologists…”
-Pierre-Paul Grassé, evolutionary zoologist, 1973

chartres pretty

- Follow along from Home Each Day;
- Watch Televised Mass in Chartres
- Bishop Athansius Schneider to Celebrate Mass
- Video Updates from Remnant TV

Plus, EWTN to Broadcast Pilgrimage Documentary on Pentecost Sunday, Includes Interview of Michael J. Matt

The Remnant’s team here in the States is bound for France this week. God willing, we will once again be walking with our traditional Catholic brothers from all over the world on the grand Pentecost Pilgrimage of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté to Chartres.

I ask readers to please keep their 70 fellow American pilgrims in their prayers as we once again attempt the 3-day pilgrimage across France. The now 24-year-old U.S. Chapter of Our Lady of Guadalupe will remember all of the readers of The Remnant in their prayers every day on the road to Chartres.

EWTN will broadcast an award-winning documentary on the Chartres Pilgrimage on Pentecost Sunday, which includes an interview of Michael J. Matt. Broadcast Dates Times for EWTN’s  "In Search of Christendom – The Chartres Pilgrimage" can be found here:

Once again, the organization responsible for the Pilgrimage to Chartres is offering an opportunity for their American brothers and sisters to spiritually accompany the pilgrims in a special way. It is called the Guardian Angels Chapter and it is for people who cannot make the pilgrimage but wish to be present spiritually.

In April 2015, I was fortunate to make my first ever international pilgrimage to Fatima in Portugal. I only gradually became interested in the Fatima apparitions after my baptism into the Catholic Church in 2009. Over the last year or so, my conviction has grown that the Fatima message is critical for understanding current events within the Church and in the world at large. I was grateful to get a chance to travel there for a few days, and arrived with a sense of curiosity about the shrine and eagerness to experience the places that were so important for the three child seers, Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia.

I went with limited information about the site and an open mind and heart, but also with some questions. I had heard that the shrine’s rector had allowed Hindus to worship at the Chapel of the Apparitions, and that there was a plan to turn the sanctuary into an ecumenical center. I had seen some photos online of the new Basilica of the Holy Trinity, which has a distinctly modernist esthetic. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was seeking to deepen my understanding of the Fatima message. The first thing I did after arriving was to find the Chapel of the Apparitions and pray the Rosary.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Novus Disorder in Fatima Featured

Dear, Mr Matt.

I recently had an experience I would like to share with you and my fellow Catholics. Writing this has been somewhat therapeutic for me and I pray it’s of interest to your readers.

As Catholics we are catechized with the truth that there are numerous rites of mass that all show forth the singular reality of Christ’s sacrifice. For those of us who are Latin rite Catholics we are told the Church has given us two equivalent expressions of the Sacred Mysteries. By expressions I am referring to the Tridentine rite of Mass and the Novus Ordo rite of Mass. It has been my experience that these two rites do not necessarily demonstrate an equivalent expression of the Sacred Mysteries, but expressions that are at times antagonistic. It was this antagonism in worship that I recently witnessed.

pope and un

(Pope Francis, UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki Moon, and Jeffrey Sachs)

Under the rubric of Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations, in conjunction with the Obama Administration, has co-opted the Vatican to embrace a global environmental agenda which at its core promotes actions which are antithetical to Catholic moral teaching

Powerful winds are blowing through St. Peter’s Square, setting up the perfect storm. Indeed, the climate is drastically changing in Vatican City as the world awaits Pope Francis’ environment encyclical. Behind the scenes of St. Peter’s, forces are at play to create a very problematic document influenced, and partly written, by rabid opponents of Catholic moral teaching..

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

An Unholy Alliance Featured

High-profile pro-abortion population control "experts" were invited to the Vatican last week to speak at a conference on climate change, the subject of Pope Francis's new encyclical.

At the conclusion of the conference, world leaders issued a statement in which they declared that decisive action to deal with climate change is “a moral and religious imperative for humanity”.
With the sudden passing of Father Gruner, it seems appropriate to reassert the importance of the Fatima message and predictions.  First off, Catholics must put aside the mistaken belief that God has already punished the world for its many crimes many decades ago when everything about our Catholic Church was so much stronger than it is today. We believe Fatima's "unknown light in the sky" is yet to come

 “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.” ~The Queen of Heaven to Lucia dos Santos, July 13, 1917.

“Your Excellency is not unaware that a few years ago God manifested that sign, which astronomers chose to call an aurora borealis. I do not know, but it seems to me that if they examine the form in which it appeared it could not possibly have been an aurora borealis. Be that as it may, God made use of this to make me understand that His justice was about to strike the guilty nations.” (Emphasis added) ~ Sister Lucia dos Santos, Third Memoir to her Bishop written on August 31, 1941.

We have just heard from our good friend, John Vennari of Catholic Family News, that the great Father Nicholas Gruner died suddenly today of apparent heart failure. We  are shocked and saddened beyond words, and I ask the readers of The Remnant to please storm heaven with prayers for the repose of the soul of this great crusader for our Lady.

I've often wondered how many people the world over would still know anything about the messages of Our Lady of Fatima in our day were it not for the tireless work of her most valiant defender, Father Gruner--her loyal priest who kept her message, warning and promises alive for the benefit of millions of souls so desperately in need of Our Lady's intercession.

Father Gruner has worked himself into an early grave in her name, and we will never forget the good and holy Fatima Priest it was our honor to call friend for so many years.

May Our Lady of Fatima intercede now for Father Gruner.  May he rest in peace.

It is perplexing that abortion and reproductive rights zealots like, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Jeffrey Sachs, the Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network are prominently highlighted at this Catholic Conference in anticipation of Pope Francis’ Environmental Encyclical.

Editor’s Note: Child advocate attorney and Remnant columnist, Elizabeth Yore, is taking part in the Heartland Institute’s conference in Rome this week, during the run-up to Pope Francis’s controversial encyclical on climate change. What follows is a transcript of Elizabeth’s talk at the conference in Rome yesterday. MJM

April 27, 2015, ROME, ITALY: The Heartland Institute sought my consultation, as an attorney, who has worked on international human trafficking cases and in the field of child exploitation for 30 years, most recently with Oprah Winfrey in South Africa. I am deeply troubled by the Statement issued by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences regarding the upcoming Papal environmental conference on Tuesday, April 28, 2015.

The Pontifical Academy posits that the goal of the conference is: