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Remnant Rome Report

Remnant Rome Report (3)

The Remnent Newspaper traveled to Rome for coverage of the Conclave.

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Tradition Remembered

Tradition Remembered (3)

The Remnant Will Never Forget

The Remnant devotes this section of our exclusively to testimonies by those who lived through the revolution of the Second Vatican Council.

This page is reserved for those who saw what happened, or heard what happened from those who did,  and who truly understand how Catholic families were blown apart. Visitors who have personal reflections, or memories of traditionalists pioneers, or reminicences of the revolution are encouraged to tell their stories and share their pictures here. . . so that we will never forget.

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Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome (0)

RTV Covers Vatican Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

Remnant TV was in Rome this past week covering the Vatican’s clerical sexual abuse summit on the “protection of minors”. It seemed a dismal assignment, to be sure, but the reason it was necessary for The Remnant to be in the Eternal City was so we could throw in with our traditional Catholic allies in Rome who’d organized an act of formal resistance to the Vatican sham summit.

Going in, we all knew that the ultimate goal of the summit was to establish child abuse—not rampant homosexuality in the priesthood—as the main cause of a crisis in the Catholic Church which now rivals that of the Protestant Revolt. (Remnant TV coverage of this event as well as the Vatican summit itself, can be found on The Remnant’s YouTube channel, and for your convenience is laid out below:

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Remnant Cartoons

Remnant Cartoons (97)

Have you subscribed to The Remnant’s print edition yet? We come out every two weeks, and each issue includes the very latest Remnant Cartoon!


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New from RTV...

Donald Trump is done with the Branch Covidians, finally. Enough is enough. Every rational person in America knows this Covid think is a sham and a scam designed to control us and, while they're at it, eliminate free elections in America once and for all. Operation Warp Speed, RIP. Thanks be to God!

Thursday, August 31, 2023



There is only one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one can be saved.” (Innocent III and the Fourth Ecumenical Council of the Lateran, 1215)

Spadaro’s words [from his article "Seeds of the Revolution: Jesus Praises great Faith of Pagan Woman" see below] are like a puddle of sewage containing the scum of the worst Modernism that has been plaguing the Church for more than a century.

New from Remnant TV...

It’s coming back this fall, but are the covid lockdowns absolutely necessary to keep you safe? Well, it depends on how you score on the Asch Conformity Experiment.

Padre DJ “pumps up the jams” for young people in devil’s horns and witches’ costumes. But Pope Francis blessed his headphones, anyway, and then invited him to World Youth Day.

“This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church. We must be demanding and strict on this point. The Council should not be negotiated in order to have more of these... No, the Council is as it is.” (Francis, January 30, 2021 Address)

A significant part of the articles and discussions held in traditional and conservative Catholic circles describe and lament the current situation of both the world and the Church. If we notice that unlike the era before the French Revolution (1789), in our times sin has not only become widespread but has also been institutionalized through so-called “laws” that directly contradict the Ten Commandments and the Christian Gospel, this is an easily understandable fact. Instead of attempting to describe the extent of the social and institutional disaster of our days, I will simply state that everything proves the truth of the words of the Saint John, the Eagle of Patmos, who affirms that “the whole world is seated in wickedness” (1 John 5: 19). But what is the root of such a situation? What is lacking in the Church and the world today? The answer, I think, is self-evident: saints. We lack saints.

Blessed Pius IX’s words about “liberty of conscience and worship” from his 1864 encyclical, Quanta Cura, likely sound familiar to many faithful Catholics:

"Liberty of conscience and worship is each man’s personal right, which ought to be legally proclaimed and asserted in every rightly constituted society.”

New from Remnant TV...

In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael puts the fourth indictment of Donald Trump into perspective, noting that this has little to do with Trump and everything to do with the Globalists’ plot to cancel America.

To that end, this episode also includes an impassioned plea from Michael Matt to stand and defend the family. As the entire Globalist experiment is all about cancelling marriage and the family, nothing is more important than that.   

While it has always been the case that fallen human beings are prone to both lying and believing lies, many of us have observed a remarkable increase in the propensity of seemingly intelligent people to believe preposterous lies in recent years. In many instances, those of us who have refused to believe those lies have been ostracized by family members, colleagues, and those we had considered friends. How, we must ask, do these otherwise normal people not only believe these preposterous lies but also defend them as though their lives depended upon it?

Any person who constantly participates in the Holy Mass hears and learns both the Greater Doxology, “Gloria in excelsis Deo…” (Luke 2: 14), and the Lesser Doxology, “Gloria Patri, et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.” Especially the latter is very often used in both the context of personal, private prayers, and during the Sacraments and Holy Mass. This fact faithfully mirrors the content of the Holy Scriptures, where the notion of „glory” appears hundreds (if not thousands) of times. As a comprehensive mystical synthesis of the entire Bible, the Apocalypse of Saint John emphasizes who is the rightful recipient of the glory:

“Thou art worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory, and honour, and power: because thou hast created all things; and for thy will they were, and have been created.” (Apoc. 4: 11)